The Casting this week looks complex at first sight, but it has one simple message as you’ll see. There are, however, several nuances to the interpretation which should prove helpful. The two Rogues add to the picture significantly.
Conjunctio in the 6th house (Aries) suggests that work matters could be somewhat reactive this week. It seems that you will be in an environment which will need some quick thinking on your part. The opposition aspect indicates that it will help not to get too attached to particular ideas, however. This changing environment will require you to know what needs doing and then doing it with little time for explanation, it seems. Let’s leave that there for a moment.
Laetitia in the 12th house (Libra) indicates some hidden and somewhat vague influence will be making its presence known later in the week. It would seem that some decision or hidden agenda is at work here and is likely to be unceremoniously dumped on your lap. This could take various forms, but to give you a flavour: ‘Oh, by the way, they will also need it in Paris by this Thursday at ten in the morning and they want a red one with a matching ribbon and parchment gift card.’
If you are not in a high-powered corporate environment Flow is still indicating the broad interpretation of working quickly, unexpected additional needs and having to adjust to a seemingly must-do situation will still likely apply.

Take control of your Destiny
The Active Transform this week is Cauda Draconis (23) back in the 6th house (Aries). The message here is simple: you are required to deliver. The new Taps in positions 2 and 3 show you will be putting learning into practice.
The interpretation of the Casting is therefore simple, but the benefit is going to be in knowing what will and will not work in dealing with this situation.
First, it helps to know that this situation is likely. This allows you to mentally and emotionally prepare in advance. You can meet challenges this week in whatever is your preferred method:
- Make sure you have (or create) enough slack in the system in advance to cope with sudden changes.
- Ride above ‘attitude’, incompetence and how it is said. Etc.
If something really does need to be done it just gets harder for you if you mutter and push back all the time. By all means note the attitude and behaviour you are given but don’t let feelings of incandescent rage irritation take up precious mental and emotional resources you will otherwise need.
The Pars Mercurii is also in the 7th house (Taurus). A gentle touch is best used in relationships. Use charm and grace as often as possible. Aim to make things easier for others.
There were two Rogues this week: Caput Draconis in the 3rd house (Capricorn) and Puella in the 7th house (Taurus).
Caput Draconis advises you to keep your head and to communicate with those close to you. Do so directly and thoroughly. Rise to the challenges so that you don’t make things any harder than they need to be.
Puella reminds you that ‘Character is decided by choice under pressure’. In any time of challenge, look to see who is helping. They will stand out.
Sharing is loving — please spread the word of geomancy by sharing this casting with your friends and followers.
Thank you.
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