First Steps For A Geomantic Baby

Tristitia + Amissio → Puella (4) Astrogem Casting for week commencing 10th January 2016

Tristitia + Amissio → Puella (4)
Astrogem Casting for week commencing 10th January 2016


The geomes are in opposition this week. And again the 10th house is featured.

Oppositions can be testing times so I’ve got a geomantic exercise for you to try at the end of the reading to help you make the most out of the Flow…

Given this 10th house focus, this time in Libra, we have a continuing opportunity to focus on our external world and our place in it. If you haven’t already been doing so then now is the time to make the most of getting your external world in order. If you do you will find events naturally work out for you in that direction.

Sometimes oppositions mean that sparks will be flying. That doesn’t seem to be the sense of it this time. The Flow indicates more of a thoughtful approach to your projects. This is a time for figuring out just what areas you can make progress.

It’s also a time when you can make changes for yourself. The key will be to not simply make change for the sake of it. You should also avoid making any sudden or drastic changes. And, just to let you know, you may have to bite your tongue and not criticise somebody or some situation later in the week. If you don’t you’ll find you end up with even more work on your plate!

The major tip here will be to do what you can to sustain your efforts. In other words, find those things you love to do and which give you results. The reason for this is that even things that you love to do can become a bit of a slog if you have to keep working at them. And having to keep working on things seems to be a bit of a theme at the moment!

My feeling here is that it will surprise you how little is actually needed to make progress this week. But before we all get too pleased with ourselves we should realise that we will only be able to take baby steps on the things we do need to work on. So, easy to progress, but not many places to do so.

The key then will be to make small, local changes. One thing done well will be better than many things done badly.


[bctt tweet=”One thing done well will be better than many things done badly”]



Baby Steps by Berenice Garcia (CC BY 2.0)

Baby Steps by Berenice Garcia (CC BY 2.0)


Take control of your Destiny


The Active Transform is Puella (4) in the 10th house (Libra). Oppositions have this marvellous ability to help us see the implications of what we are doing in one way or another and then get a chance to rework things if we act quickly. That makes them a great grindstone as it were for testing ourselves.

The Active Transform encourages us to double down on just those small number of things we have control of in the external world.

The following exercise should help you use this aspect of Flow to your advantage…


Geomantic Exercise


This is a way that you can use the Active Transform to make the most of the Flow and circumstances around you at the moment.

You will need to make a quiet space and time for yourself during the week so give yourself at least 10 minutes to do this exercise.

You don’t need to go into a meditative state unless you wish to, but it will help to be undisturbed just to give yourself time to focus your thoughts.

You’ll find that having a piece of paper and a pen or pencil to jot down ideas that come to you will help.


  1. Take just one idea you’ve got about what you are planning to do to change things around you at the moment.
  2. Take that idea and give it some serious thought, specifically from the view of ‘What would I need to do better or learn better in order to make this happen?’ In other words really think through what you would need to do best to make your idea work in the real world. This will help you to see what resources you need to make your plans actually happen.
  3. Having asked yourself that question jot down any ideas as they occur to you. The Flow will make it easier to come up with practical ideas now to help you.
  4. After the first few ideas have occurred to you, your ideas will probably dry up. So you can prompt for some further insights by thinking through how practically you will implement those ideas in the real world by asking for details of those ideas. You do this by asking ‘Have I got everything I need to carry out those plans?’, ‘Who or what might resist my plans?’, ‘What would I say / what backup plan would I need if I met resistance?’


You will probably find that you quickly come up with a couple of ideas straight away (at the third point above) and then half a dozen or more at the fourth point as your mind starts to get into Flow.

I tried this exercise this morning and was surprised at the list of things I could start doing and, very interestingly, lots of things I could stop doing which would make my life easier at the moment!

Try it, and you’ll see what I mean.

Let me know how it turns out for you in the comments.




There were no Rogues this week.



Sharing is loving — please spread the word of geomancy by sharing this casting with your friends and followers.

Thank you.


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