A Key Piece

Albus + Caput Draconis → Aquisitio (3)
Astrogem Casting for week commencing 10th November 2024

Albus in the 9th house (Gemini) indicates a deep interest in (and need for) an important aspect of learning, travel and change. The way Flow proceeds indicates that it is the learning and change aspects which seems most important. The other aspect, that of travel, may also be relevant if plans or information is required from abroad, for example.

This placement, together with the next geome, indicate the influence of some knowledge which is necessary, if we take knowledge to mean a combination of learning and change. (You can learn without changing and we would simply call this ‘information’. You have to internalise and ‘do something with’ information for it to become knowledge.) So, this knowledge is needed in order to take the next step on your ‘travels’.

Caput Draconis in the 10th house (Cancer) indicates someone in authority (likely a man) who can supply you with the necessary piece of knowledge you need. This is likely to take the form of feedback, guidance and the missing piece of the puzzle. It might not immediately strike you this way and it will need to sink in before its full value can be realised and appreciated.

It seems that you have the vast majority of the structure in place but that this is a necessary piece holding the whole thing together.

Given the nature of the geome, the form this knowledge is likely to take—just to help you spot it more easily—relates to helping with direction and an understanding of motivation (yours and others). Given the house it is in—which broadly relates to how you are seen by the world—the knowledge may therefore be some kind of personal feedback.

The Pars Mercurii gives an important corollary to this interpretation: Only take what you need. Be wise in selecting your resources. Too much of a good thing can be as bad as not having enough.

Picking one interpretation among several it may relate to you getting a lot of feedback but only one part of it is key.

A Key Piece, Chil Vera from Pixabay, (CC0)

Take control of your Destiny


The Active Transform this week is Aquisitio (3) in the 11th house (Leo). This shows that taking heed of what you need allows you to bring about a much hoped-for change to an important project with which you are involved. More than that, it helps you to grow personally.

Keep the big picture in mind, together with your renewed optimism and focus on the long-term aspects of the project.

Doing so allows you to broaden your reach and to incorporate more, shall we say, caring and even humanitarian aspects to the changes with which you are involved.


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Thank you.


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