What was a done deal in your work might receive a little bit of a shake-up this week. You thought it was all going smoothly and could be left to run on its own, but you’re likely to find that you will need to put both hands back on the wheel. Is this through the interference of others or are you simply engaging in a little midcourse correction?
There is little doubt that others will want to have their input. This will generally be a good thing. Whether you see it that way in the heat of the moment will be quite another. You may find it best to tolerate their input and listen with half an ear. If they’ve got good ideas then okay. If not, just be polite.
You’re likely to find that if you manage this well any increase in your efforts will bring you into closer and more useful connection with others. Maybe it will be as much connection as you would like, at least not yet, but it’s early days.
Allow your friendly relations with others to suggest new areas to you. This will not only be good for your work but also good for improving your working relationship with others.
While you may think it’s others who are changing in reality it is more likely that you will soften in your approach to them.
Most of the connection will come from increasing what you do – you will have to do most of the running and make most of the changes. The onus is largely going to be on you to smooth out the wrinkles and wonderful feathers. And some of those feathers may be your own!
Just chill.
Take control of your Destiny
Let what you care about propel your actions.
Do what you need to do to keep your audience and those around you happy – even if they are a little more demanding than you think is strictly necessary. They don’t see what you do in the same way you do.
Start dropping hints of greater things to come but don’t over-commit yourself or show too much of your hand at present.
Mainly, keep quiet and just fulfil the outward obligations you already have.
If others see you getting ‘too creative’ they may object, saying that you’ve enough to do as it is.
If you find yourself forced to conform then simply sow your seeds and keep your new ideas under wraps for the time being. Keep growing even if it is in the dark, but progress your ideas behind the scenes. There will come a time when matters will change and you will be thankful that you got yourself prepared and ready to go.
There were no Rogues this week.
There is a fairly straightforward increase in Flow this week between the two parent geomes, Cauda Draconis and Fortuna Minor. The semi-sextile is weakly favourable and it therefore suggests we need to be careful in marshalling our own resources to our, and others, advantage.
The shift from our external profile to one of increased connection with others represents a moment of personal growth.
To me the Active Transform, Albus (123) in the 12th house (Scorpio) is explosively interesting!
What seems to be a relatively straightforward progression of Flow from the two parent geomes gives rise to passion, unconscious drives, intrigue and drops hints of growth for both our own thoughts and the thoughts of others.
What seems to be straightforward on the surface (your daily duties) has a heck of a lot of potential for undercurrent development.
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