[If you are looking for this week’s Astrogem Horoscope, please click HERE (or scroll down).]
Here’s your opportunity to be part of something unique. This hasn’t happened before and it can’t happen again once it’s done.
This is your opportunity to become one of The Sixteen Hundred.
As you know, my Cause is to ‘Make Geomancy Mainstream’ and The Sixteen Hundred are going to be part of that goal.
How do we measure the ‘Mainstream’ part of the cause? Well one way is to set a number – at least to start us off. So in this case I want to find Sixteen Hundred Geomancers to be part of this revolution in bringing geomancy back to the big table.
How do you get into this elite group? Simple. When you have given a Geomantic reading of some kind* just send me a photo of the reading layout – together with your ‘thumbs-up’ in the shot. I don’t need your face, although that would be nice, just the reading layout and your thumbs-up.
Your thumbs-up will be your word of honour that you have given a geomantic reading.
You can then nominate with which of the sixteen geome families you would like to be associated – “I would like to be one of the Acquisitio family, please”, for example. I’ll post your initials, country and an (ahem) thumbnail of your picture on the website under your preferred geome family.
There will only ever be 100 people allowed in each of the sixteen geome families.
Once all 1600 names have been allocated then nobody else can ever be One of the Sixteen Hundred.
Obviously, the more people who join the Cause then the trickier it will be to get in your first choice of geome family. If you don’t want to be in a family, that’s no problem – you can still be one of The Sixteen Hundred.
(There could be a higher level of status – a Double-Tapper, for example – for those who get others to start using Geomancy, too, but we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.)
Is Sixteen Hundred a lot of geomancers? Not when you consider how many people read Tarot in the world, in comparison! I live not that far from Glastonbury and I can tell you that you can’t throw a stick there without hitting a Tarot reader!
So this is your chance to be part of something new, the revival, to get in at the start, to be part of history! You will hear them talking about it in the future. . .
“You know about the revival of Geomancy, of course? Well these were the original Sixteen Hundred – in it right at the start!”
Once the movement starts to grow it could grow fast as people scramble to start using the Oracle – wanting to be part of it.
And if it goes viral – well. . . At least you will have the satisfaction of knowing that you were one of the first to hear about The Sixteen Hundred – the pioneers. But don’t miss out on this one chance. I’d like you with me on the journey.
Send your photo by email to: lespcross, followed by the ‘at’ symbol and finishing off with gmail (dot) com.
There will be milestones on the way, of course – the first 16, the first 100, the first 160 – but there will only ever be one Sixteen Hundred. Be part of it!
One reading; One photo; One thumb – One of the Sixteen Hundred.
Update: 24th April 2013
Here is the First one:
Here’s the Second:
Update: 26th April 2013
Here is the third:
Update: 28/04/2013
Here is the fourth of the history-makers.
Update: 30/04/2013
Here are the next two additions to the Cause.
Update: 12/05/2013
Here is the seventh.
Update: I don’t want this page to get buried, so I’ve created a separate page just for these supporters of the Cause. You can find the complete listing of The Sixteen Hundred to date HERE
*If you want to know how to give Geomantic readings you can sign up for the free short email course in the boxes below:
(Or you can buy the book.)
Oooh, I better book my place for Caput Draconis!
Sure. Send me a photo of your reading with a ‘thumbs-up’ and I’ll be happy to include you. You can see the most up-to-date list HERE.
Curious, intrigued