Finally It’s Go, But It Could Be More Graceful

You finally get a chance to do what you want to this week – it would just have been nice if they’d asked nicely though.

Astrogem, Geomancy, Geomantic, Divination, August, September, 2013, Horoscope, Astrogem Geomancy

Astrogem Casting for week commencing 2nd September 2013

Still, you can’t have everything (or at least, not at the moment, it would seem).

This week will seem like a bit of a roller-coaster ride. Others may not see it that way as they have not been as involved with things as closely as you have.

That’s probably the reason that when they finally give the go-ahead this week it’s going to seem like a bit of an anti-climax to you after all the effort you’ve put in.  You will probably want to ask what took them so long to decide.  But what you might find galling is the way that they now seem to want instant results!

Don’t miss the party

The simple fact of the matter is that you have wanted to make progress for a long time and had almost given up hope of anything working out.  Now, however, it seems that everything was always ‘nearly there’ and ‘things have now progressed, so it’s all over to you!’  Great.  Thanks.

Albus in the eighth house (Aries) shows that you’ve had little physical support so far, given the single tap at Level 3.  All that changes when Puer makes its appearance later in the week.  Now the geomes are reversed.

Full steam ahead

This means that projects you’ve been involved with have finally got up a good head of steam and people are noticing what’s going on.  Suddenly everyone feels committed and they are looking to you, as the person who has been pushing for so long, to make it all happen.

The reversal of the geomes shows that everything that was external becomes internal and vice versa.  All the discussion and planning therefore comes down to actually making it happen.  Everyone finally agrees the way forward and they just hand it to you and expect that it will now happen as if by magic.

Now you will probably be asking yourself if you are really ready to do what you’ve wanted to do.  Have you got the stamina and willpower to do what is necessary now that it comes to it?  (The answer is ‘Yes’, by the way.  You’ll just have to crank yourself up one more time!)

Even if you don’t feel much like going through it all again you’ll probably feel obliged to do so now that others seem so keen.  We’re talking here about long-stated and long-standing arrangements and obligations towards others and the greater good for all concerned.  The fact that you’ll be using other people’s resources will make them focus their attention (and comments) at you quite acutely.  That can make you feel a little sensitive given that they have been dallying for so long.

The thing is you know you are right and have been all the time.  You know that your plans are the best for everyone, it’s just taken them an age to realise it.  So you can’t really go back on it now, even if you are feeling a little jaded with it all after all this time.

At least you now have a chance to prove yourself and to make the world a better place for your efforts.

Take control of your Destiny

To maximise your opportunity here you need to do more than ‘doing the job’. You’ll have to approach it in the right way for you.  A way in which you will get something nice out of all this.

Adding the geomes gives us the Active Transform Via (3):

Astrogem, Geomancy, Geomantic, Divination, August, September, 2013, Horoscope, Astrogem Geomancy

Active Transform Via (3)

Via (3) suggests that we need to get this done quickly and efficiently.  Time has almost run out for this as the tide is about to change.

Everything about this reading focuses on Level 3 and here we see a single new tap in Via. This urges us to take stock of our physical possessions.  You are likely to gain something quite significant – probably a new tool of some description. This is likely to help you with the current situation.  Maybe this will simply be a new contact but more likely it will be some physical help or device.  Whatever it is, it will help you do what’s in front of you now and it will help you to move on afterwards.  Interesting!

There is also the possibility of financial gain associated with this – payoff in the true sense of the word!  As Via is in Libra I would suggest you get the most practical and beautiful investment you can.  Make sure you like the look of it and will want to use it in future, if only because it feels good to do so.

What to do this week

  1. Don’t worry when everyone looks to you for the answers
  2. Pick up the work and just get it done
  3. Get it done quickly and make sure you get paid
  4. Get yourself something nice – you’ve earned it!


When the fisherman reaches into his bag for a warm drink

it is then that the fish bites.


If anyone is in the Glastonbury area next Saturday and would like to meet up about 5:00 pm then a few of us are having a get together to talk about Astrogem. Get in touch HERE and I’ll let you have details.


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