Reflect The Light

Conjunctio + Cauda Draconis → Laetitia (23)
Astrogem Casting for week commencing 8th December 2024


Conjunctio in the 1st house (Scorpio) indicates that these are times of transition and of looking forward. You seem to be in a powerful position this week with your keen insight and understanding of what you are doing and where you need to go. It seems that as far as you are concerned little is going to get in the way of what you want.

You will be showing great clarity and drive in your efforts, so it will help to make sure that such intensity of power on your part does not intimidate others too much.

You will feel a strong urge to get to the heart of matters this week and strategic questions are likely to engage you. You will enjoy the planning process and seeing all the parts fitting together.

Given that you will be looking at your strategic priorities this might be a good time for some positive reflection, too. You will find it useful to reflect on what you have done to get where you are. If you get more deeply into the process you might find surprising and rightful pride in seeing who you have become in the process. This rear-viewing will provide you with a useful perspective on how to move forward next.

Cauda Draconis in the 11th house (Virgo) is an interesting placement in this context. Flow indicates that you will find it useful not just to have reflected but to go deeper in examining your original plans—the original remit, if you will.

You will find it helpful to discuss things with the ‘founders’. Founders here means those involved in helping set the original course of action in which you are engaged; the initial planners, the backers and supporters who were there at the beginning of your current ventures. That beginning might have been just a little while ago or it may stretch back years. But there is a nuance to this…

The Pars Mercurii is also in the 11th house (Virgo) and indicates that you need to approach those supporters in just the right way. Specifically, any review, walk through the publicity cuttings, chat about the ‘old times’ (even if just a few weeks ago), etc. should be done from the ‘look how far we’ve come’ perspective. It would be unhelpful to show any sign of doubt or weakness about the journey you are on. That’s a big no-no! They need to see your self-confidence and that their confidence in you was well placed. You will not only be keeping them on-board but also allowing them to reflect some of the light and glory from success. Let your appreciation reflect well on them.

In short, keep it all positive.


Reflect the light, Alexa, Pixabay, (CC0)

Take control of your Destiny


The Active Transform this week is Laetitia (23) in the 9th house (Cancer). While there are still important things to do you are about to enter a consolidating phase in your activities.

Flow wants you to keep an eye out for maintenance at the moment, not just pushing forward. So, do a quick tour of the place. Are there any quick bits of work that need doing, a lick of paint here, a loose board needing fastening down there?

What you do going forward will be creative and far-reaching. There won’t be time for tiny tasks then.




There was one Rogue this week: Tristitia in the 7th house (Taurus). Do not be surprised if a younger person, or someone newish to your acquaintance, offers useful support and resource this week. Let them know how much you truly appreciate their help by telling them what specifically their help means to the success of your ventures.


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Thank you.


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