A Simple Approach

Puella + Fortuna Minor → Caput Draconis (134)
Astrogem Casting for week commencing 1st December 2024

Puella in the 4th house (Aquarius) seems to be providing a somewhat nurturing atmosphere this week. Flow brings the Venusian qualities of harmony and kindness and applies them to the humanitarian aspects of Aquarius. This placement is also likely to produce some inventive ideas for you in the home environment. You may find yourself getting involved in traditionally nurturing female aspects related to motherhood: providing sustenance, soothing, encouraging and being supportive of the endeavours of the family and others in general.

An additional interpretation here is that you are likely to be emotionally attracted to whatever you find to be unique. You are also likely to want to do things on your own terms. Naturally, how this is done in practice may be more or less delightful for those around you. It all depends on how you show it.

One very positive way to show this is through the kindly personal touch you can bring to many of your tasks. This will come easily this week with Flow bringing a liberating and instinctive feeling to your efforts.

Fortuna Minor in the 5th house (Pisces) following on later in the week adds an interesting social component.

It suggests that physically there will be no end to the distracting number of things for you to get involved in. ‘Distracting’ here indicates that there will be something happening almost wherever you look in life and that there are so many of them which are all interconnected and urgent.

You will need to juggle matters quite skilfully to ensure that everything gets done that needs to get done and that everyone is kept happy.

The Pars Venusii suggests that you will need to reign in any unwanted and unhelpful thinking, particularly when it comes to making decisions. Your worst enemy this week will be your self-doubts. Get rid of them! They could make you overprotective or too indulgent if you let them.

A Simple Approach, Lori, Pixabay, (CC0)

Take control of your Destiny


The Active Transform this week is Caput Draconis (134) in the 6th house (Aries). This can seem like something of a breakthrough feeling when it arrives after all the ball-juggling this week. Perhaps the rest of the events were simply to enable you to get to this point. Suddenly you feel that you can see and understand how it all fits together, what it’s all for, the overall purpose. This in turn allows you to finish off what you need to get done. You might be surprised by how simple that can be.

Matters do not need to be overcomplicated. Things can now be made to fit together with only minor adjustments.

Aim to simplify. Less is more.

But keep the rich feel to things and keep the quality high.


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Thank you.


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