Look Ahead

Fortuna Minor + Puer → Tristitia (12)
Astrogem Casting for week commencing 15th December 2024

As I imagine many of you will be taken up with Yule, Christmas and New Year for the coming couple of weeks this will be the last Casting of the current year. Don’t worry, the Castings will resume on the 5th January 2025.

The Winter solstice this year occurs at 0920 on Saturday 21st December. As usual I invite anyone who would like to take part in ‘Last and First’ to take a photograph of the moment of the last sunset on Friday evening (20th) and the first photograph of the first sunrise of the new Solar year on Saturday morning (21st) wherever you are in the world. If you send them to me or upload them through the contact form I’ll share the photographs here on the blog as soon as they are in.

In the meantime, I wish all of you a very happy Yule and healthy, happy and prosperous New Year.


Fortuna Minor in the 9th house (Leo) is in its own sign and indicates that you will be doing some very skilful working this week. You will be hitting just the right tone for both home and a wider audience and for those in a position of authority. You will be very much the hero when it comes to making things happen and will be able to display your natural leadership skills.

Puer in the 1st house (Sagittarius) shows that later in the week you will have the chance to really develop or display the mastery of some of your abilities. One of these is the ability to teach others. This is not likely to be in a classroom but rather by inspiration and by enthusing them with your capacity to produce real-world results.

More than that you have the ability to see and develop the whole picture, to see things that others don’t.

What may surprise others (and delight you) is that what you are actually doing is using old-style or long-overlooked skills to get the job done. Sometimes the old ways are the best, after all.

Be careful that your obvious skills don’t make you impatient or too blunt with others if they can’t keep up. Don’t be surprised, too, if this Casting placement does not produce the opportunity for outdoor activities, with the emphasis on the ‘active’ part of ‘activity’.

Look Ahead, StockSnap, Pixabay, (CC0)

Take control of your Destiny


The Active Transform this week is Tristitia (12) in the 5th house (Aries). This is a very expansionist placement, so do not be surprised if the results you create open up a whole slew of new thoughts and ideas for you. It will put you in a place where you can find sudden connections between things which you never thought possible. Those ideas in turn open up the possibility of connecting with others (possibly even romantically) in new and interesting ways.

Be prepared for an unconventional set of events which will fill your need for excitement!

The Pars Solii this week is also in the 5th house (Aries) and advises that you don’t let your genius get stuck at only one level. Flow allows you to keep creating and connecting this week so keep inventing while you can and while the ideas are flowing. You need to keep your momentum going, too. You can go back and consolidate later.


Sharing is loving — please spread the word of geomancy by sharing this casting with your friends and followers.

Thank you.


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