It looks like you may have a significant request made of you this week. You can take it when you see the benefits for you.
Tristitia in the 11th house (Cancer) suggest an emotional appeal to you at this week. This is likely to come out of the blue and to be related to charitable work or something with which you have a long-time affinity. Naturally you’ll want to think things through, though. You especially want to see if this really is a benefit to you i.e. something from which you can actively gain.
Cancer is an emotional sign, also involved with finances but in this instance you need to pay particular attention to the protective shell of the crab. Well-meaning offers which you meet with enthusiasm are likely to be the most beneficial. You can also expect flashes of insight into motives from this placement.
It is likely that this situation has been building for a while or that people can only now see the possibilities and opportunities to help in a larger cause. People seem to suddenly want your input.
Puella in the 4th house (Sagittarius) indicates that taking up a new opportunity could open up new and fertile ground for you. (Note for those who need it: What is offered may not be the opportunity. Remember that when you say ‘yes’ to one thing you are saying ‘no’ to something else.)
Whichever way you go you are likely to feel able to broaden your outlook, specifically travel and connection to other lands and new locations.
It would benefit you to show a sympathetic, empathic but cautious outlook later in the week, even if in fact you are keen to get involved. Ultimately a new venture could grow from this. It will likely be a mixture of fire and ice / good with the bad. You may be interested or even excited to try to touch it, but you are not sure how hot it is. Will you risk it? The Active Transform indicates a likely outcome if you do… the question is, do you want that outcome?
The Pars Uranii indicates that some details are likely to get in your way this week, probably in the form of your work. Does someone want to bog you down over extra bells and whistles? To be honest, this looks like a failure of imagination on their part. Are they being finicky jobsworths or do they just have a short-sighted outlook?
Take control of your Destiny
The Active Transform this week is Amissio (4) in the 9th house (Taurus). This indicates that you can carry through your ideas if you decide to persist. Just know that what you choose will produce a change of benefit for others, but principally a change of benefit for you. The change for you will be new ideas which solidify into reality, broadening out fertile ground. (Tip: Is the change in direction / skills something you really want to be part of in your heart of hearts?)
Knowing the answer to this, it will be up to you to decide whether or not to proceed.
There was one Rogue this week: Populus in the 5th house (Capricorn). You are likely to get the chance to do something on the spur of the moment. This is not a major decision but a pleasant diversion. Do it! You’ll likely love it! Note that the opportunity to do it is fleeting and will not last long. Grab it while you can.
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