Amissio in the 12th house (Leo) speaks of unfulfilled wishes, or at least the memory of them. You might also be considering significant roles and responsibilities from the past, too. Your mood at times might feel like some kind of nostalgia for things that have never happened. Strange, wistful, vaguely remembered and dreamy images seem to circulate in your thoughts. Ask yourself if you can really separate what you think happened from what actually did? Is it important now? Does it matter anyway after all this time?
The Pars Venusii is also in the 12th house (Leo) and this might indicate where some of these thoughts come from: An encounter or memory of some (female?) influence from a time long ago.
The tip here is to use what is gone or lost to propel you to the benefits and gains that are being asked of you now. Let your reaction to the negative push you in the direction of the positive.
Albus in the 11th house (Cancer) indicates that later in the week the feelings of earlier will give way to what you can do (or have) now. There is no time to waste and no time to dwell on ‘what might have been’.
Keep memories tucked away where they belong. Make new memories by staying close to the true friendships you have, even if the people concerned are not physically present around you at the moment.
These friendships are the ones you don’t have to work at.

Take control of your Destiny
The Active Transform this week is Laetitia (13) in the 10th house (Gemini). This clearly shows that it is time to move on in important directions in your life and thoughts. You are ripe for new ideas to spark to life in your head. This is because your mind is just at the right point—and circumstances mature enough now—to accept the new: the new change, the new lesson.
To mark your next steps it would serve you to practise your basic skills of doing, acting and behaving ahead of time. In other words, rehearse your ‘signature moves’ until they are again down pat. This includes anything you are known for in your interactions with others. This might range from cooking to presenting to being the centre of a community. Whatever your skills and abilities are, it’s time to put your best side forward again.
Enjoy the bloom of the developing circumstances.
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