Carcer in the 12th house (Sagittarius) indicates that you may be engaged in a lot of cautious and restrictive thinking at the moment.
It may seem that hopes, plans and longer-term changes all seem to be on hold. But this is not caused solely by external circumstances. Much of this can be put down to your own mindset. Have you become used to not progressing in the current circumstances? Maybe you’ve just lost some of your faith in yourself or others. Perhaps you’re even telling yourself it’s all a lesson and that you’ll get results when you are ready.
Flow shows that the truth lies elsewhere… It suggests that the time is changing and that your thoughts of restriction and repression need to change with it.
In short, it’s time to look to make changes.
Tristitia in the 7th house (Cancer) later in the week shows that a sudden emotional switch is likely to be clicked on. Your connections to or with others could suddenly blossom and this heralds a rise in overall positivity too this week. Closer emotional connections can form which can mutually break down emotional defences and increase personal security.
So far, so warm and fuzzy! But there is more you can do to make the situation productive…
Take control of your Destiny
The Active Transform this week is Laetitia (14) in the 2nd house (Aquarius). This shows that to really benefit and progress in the current situation it would be best to develop those emotional and physical connections you establish with others—and to do this in a particular way.
To clarify, the physical contact we are talking about here is not intimacy but the imaginative use of shared resources.
Put another way, it suggests you creatively plan and inventively do together.
It is not really possible to say specifically how you should do that as it will depend on whatever it is you are working on with others. But if you use those principles as your guide you are likely to generate new, honest, interdependent, caring communication between you which will be to everyone’s advantage.
In this cast of mind you will be able to use guidelines rather than methods.
It allows you (both) to improvise and adapt in order to reach your mutual goals.
The Pars Saturnii in the 8th house (Leo) provides an interesting rider to this interpretation: Seek your progress not by challenging the system but rather by working around it.
More ground can be achieved through energetic goodwill than by fighting an entrenched problem.
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