Leave The Baggage Behind

Carcer + Aquisitio → Fortuna Minor (14)
Astrogem Casting for week commencing 9th March 2024

Carcer in the 1st house (Pisces) may not seem to be a comfortable placement at first sight. However, the trine aspect in the Casting brings out the positive qualities of both geome and sign.

It suggests that the start of the week brings you the power to really focus your imagination, to visualise and find a way to make your thoughts manifest in the world. It indicates, too, that you want to push your boundaries.

There is a deeper level to this placement which will be part of a theme throughout the week: Compassion. Throughout several encounters this week you are likely to feel the pull to be somewhat self-sacrificing and engage in spiritually-led, higher-thinking actions while considering others feelings.

That said, you may find initially that not many of your encounters or your planned actions seem to have as much goodwill in return. This could lead you to feeling a little underappreciated… but press on!

Aquisitio in the 5th house (Cancer) indicates that later in the week brings you some emotional release. This could be directly social, but there is more than a hint of ‘chance’ about it, in the sense of something gambled.

There could well be romantic or at least a very friendly atmosphere created and this could provide you with much-needed reassurance that you are visible, needed and appreciated for who and what you are. This is, as mentioned above, rooted in your compassion towards others. It indicates that others will support you and help things to turn out well. Given that the placement is in Cancer there is a possibility that this help might be found at home.

Leave the baggage behind, VariousPhotography, Pixabay, (CC0)

Take control of your Destiny


The Active Transform this week is Fortuna Minor (12) in the 9th house (Scorpio). This is a remarkable direction for Flow to continue. It follows on from the previous two geomes indicating the possibility of several incisive new things that become available to you to expand your options and your direction of travel, in other words your resources and your current path.

This could lead to both physical travel and adventure or a higher understanding of the world around you. If you are deep within Flow and can capitalise on the opportunities in front of you then you will find you can drop all the extra baggage you have been carrying. You can enjoy independence of action and find fortunate circumstances based around your fundamental knowledge and that compassionate core message.

The Pars Saturnii in the 9th house (Scorpio) is likely the only thing you need to guard against. It may nag at your confidence and keep you in check rather than going with your gut. The cure for this is simply to take your time and don’t be impatient. By keeping your compassion alive you will be able to avoid secretiveness in yourself and others.




There was one Rogue this week: Conjunctio in the 12th house (Aquarius). This reinforces the message of the Pars… Avoid any subconscious doubts or disquiet. Don’t allow them to stir up worries. Avoid the eccentric and stay with what you know and trust.


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