Grow And Keep Going

Astrogem, Geomancy, Geomantic, Divination, April, 2019, Horoscope, Astrogem Geomancy, Personal, Development, Productivity

Acquisitio + Puella → Cauda Draconis (24)
Astrogem Casting for week commencing 21th April 2019

Aquisitio in the third house (Gemini) marks the start of the opportunity to grow great things this week. Things that you have been thinking about and working towards suddenly start to move forwards.

Perhaps you’ve been thinking of travelling or, more likely, communicating your ideas more widely. Whichever it is Flow is moving in that direction.

There’s the potential for large growth and improvement. If you say that fast you will miss the significance of just how big this growth can be. And it is significant!

The Pars Jovii is in the 11th house (Aquarius) and shows that you have likely been thinking only in an abstract way about ‘making a contribution’ to others. You have wanted to make or re-establish contact with friendly forces much further afield. Now is the time that you can really push those ideas forward.

Although it might start in a small way, each time you move forward you will find the path easier. It will be up to you just how far you go.

This is key: Just because you achieve the next step please do not think that that is all you can do! Keep going! Make as much as you can of this time and opportunity. It is like skipping a stone over water. Don’t stop after the first bounce. Keep going to the next step and then the next.

Puella in the first house (Aries) gives a strong thought/mental component to this week. Given the significance of the placement of the geome it would also be useful to look out for the other key indicators associated with this geome, too. Look out for plans, opportunities and ideas that seem well-balanced. This means they are carefully thought out with the pros and cons clearly understood.

You’re also likely to find be a strong female component to your thoughts and actions this week. Flow will support almost anything you seek to bring into your life which is pretty, beautiful, attractive and a youthful new direction. All of these are possibilities in letting you know that Flow is providing you with a rising tide. Make the most of it and don’t stop.


Take control of your Destiny


The Active Transform this week is Cauda Draconis (24) in the 11th house (Aquarius). This is the key indication that you must not limit yourself in how big you dream.

Astrogem, Geomancy, Geomantic, Divination, April, 2019, Horoscope, Astrogem Geomancy, Personal, Development, Productivity

Grow And Keep Going, Mike Newbry, Unsplash, (CC0)

Don’t think ‘the sky is the limit’ when there are footprints on the Moon!

Dream and — more importantly — act bigger!

New thoughts lead to new and bigger thoughts. A single step becomes part of a much larger journey.

Grow as much as you can and then grow some more. See the potential for growth and go with it.


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Thank you.


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