Geomantic horoscope for the week commencing 17th June 2013
Conjunctio in the second house (Cancer) is in opposition to Fortuna Minor in the eighth house (Capricorn) in a Continuing flow.
Geomantic Divination
There is lots to see and to do with this particular casting. It is hard to pull out the dominant theme but this can be seen clearly by considering the nature of each geome with respect to the house and then Zodiac meanings.
The key which unlocks the reading is found in looking at how Conjunctio changes to become Fortuna Minor and ultimately the Active Transform, Amissio. This is what can help to guide us and see the flow of circumstances which are independent of the manifestations of events in the physical world. And it is by looking at this overall sequence that we can thoughtfully decide how best to proceed in our lives.
This week sees Conjunctio in the second with its questions and changes about your existing security. These questions may relate to your general and immediate security, such as how you feel and how you should spend your cash. But as the geome sits in Cancer it is more likely to do with your home and your broader feelings of security in life.
It is quite normal and natural to want to take an inventory and to check everything is alright in your local world – that’s just good practice. The problem comes when you see other outside possibilities (eighth house) and wonder whether you should have those, too.
Sometimes you do need to grow and to push yourself, but here Capricorn in the eighth is warning that it could be a lot of effort at this time and that it would be prudent to think long and hard before you make any changes. The reason for this is that the geomes are in opposition.
Oppositions are some of the most interesting aspects in any reading. We see the word ‘opposition’ and immediately think that it is a ‘bad thing’ or that we will meet ‘resistance’. This is too limiting a view, however. Sometimes it is useful to wonder if we are going to go into a bad thing and to take time to pause and consider.
Resistance is also very often a positive feature which can make us stronger. It tests our resolve, asking us whether we really want the promised results. It is often a test to see what we’re made of – are we really prepared to work for a next step?
The grindstone resists, the chisel gets sharp
There will be some new ideas available to you this week but these will need to be thought about carefully. Note that the Flow shifts from two taps at the top of Conjunctio (Level 1) to two taps at Level 3 of Fortuna Minor – a change from other people’s ideas to lots of physical work to make it happen.
If you decide to make changes you are likely to find yourself wondering about what you have let yourself in for, so make sure of your ground before you commit!
In any event it will be important to keep your Centre. Oppositions can be tricky as they may just be plain old resistance indicating a bad thing after all. If you are tempted to look for something more you will need to know that any course correction will involve more work than you realise at this point and that the reward will be uncertain. The best advice comes from Capricorn: Be prudent. Consider your security in all this. Don’t give up what you want for what you can have.
Take control of your Destiny
Hmmm, how to chose whether to stay or go? Is the grindstone of extra work going to make us into a better chisel?
With this particular opposition we can get our best answer by considering the Active Transform which in this case is Amissio (23) in the second house (Gemini). Having the new taps in the centre of the geome at Levels 2 and 3 shows that any changes are likely to be within us rather than in the external environment. If the changes were going to be beneficial for our security in the wider world (which is what eighth house would promise) then I would have expected to see a change in Level 4, not Levels 2 or 3. This suggests that we will end up doing more work (Capricorn) with no immediate gain.
As usual with an addition created from geomes in opposition the resultant Active Transform appears back in the original house (the second). This shows that we will learn from our experiences this week (after the dust settles) and that we’ll be glad that we took the approach we did.
We’ll feel more secure maintaining and improving what we have than taking a risk – and more work – on the unproven. Keeping to what you know and can develop would seem more prudent – the test will be to see if what you’ve got is good enough. After you have tested that you will be able to decide if any changes need to be made.
In choppy waters we shouldn’t always jump from a small boat to a big boat.
Big boats can have big holes.
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