Power And Control

Populus + Populus → Populus
Astrogem Casting for week commencing 19th January 2025

It has to be said from the outset that this is a very unusual Casting, especially as it comes so closely after such an unusual Casting last week.

It would be easy to see the interpretation as something like a scene from one of the ‘power soap operas’ of the 80’s, such as Dallas or Dynasty. As that is not likely to be most readers’ lived experience the interpretation has been toned down somewhat. (If you do move in more ‘elevated’ circumstances and power-brokering, please feel free to take the Casting more at face value.)

Populus in the 2nd house (Aquarius) indicates that your financial and emotional matters will be taking up a good deal of your attention this week. Your family may have significant influence in these matters, too. Indeed, it could be quite possible that much of what happens this week relates to the interplay of feelings in that family setting.

As there is a sextile aspect between the geomes this should be seen as a positive thing, and therefore likely to involve you and the family as a unit dealing with external influences. Given the very stable nature of Flow it would seem that something is rapidly coming to a conclusion or plateau, if it hasn’t already done so. As Flow becomes constant and more or less unchanging it represents that circumstances are at a high point or at least that they won’t get much higher or better than they are at the moment. Consequently, it represents full commitment to—or by—the family in a largely flexible environment.

Populus in the 12th house (Sagittarius) represents a rich internal and imaginative world. While there is a desire for spiritual growth and understanding it is possible that some of the feelings could be very powerful indeed.

It is likely that various visionary ideas and insights will strike you and that, given the constancy of Flow, these relate to the first geome in bringing matters outward and inward into alignment. This shows that hearts, minds and collective resources are all being brought together in what looks much like a show of strength.

If these are not circumstances which are happening right now then you might benefit from knowing that such resources could be available to you if you need them. Startling ambition, often unspoken, can easily be seen in this placement. How you act will easily translate into what you create.

This seems to be a time where you can dominate proceedings with quiet, dominant, (female) power, not needing an outward show of more stereotypically masculine-oriented aggression. Soft power is being held together at the centre.

The Pars Luna is in the 3rd house (Pisces) and advises that you be on the lookout for vague communication and vague promises. The demands of power and control require clarity.

Power And Control, Ivana Tomášková, Pixabay, (CC0)


Take control of your Destiny


The Active Transform this week is Populus in the 10th house (Libra). As you can see, there is no flicker of change in either Flow or within the geomes to provide any newness in any of the four realms. In Libra this represents a perfect and unchanging balance. It is difficult to imagine such a thing in nature but these can occasionally be found in what to us are long timescales. So as much as the confirmation of the deal, the signing of the treaty, etc. seems, nothing lasts forever. Power will shift, water will flow, the Earth will turn.

The voice of Prudence says, enjoy today, tomorrow is another day.




There were two Rogues this week:

Fortuna Minor in the 8th house (Leo) suggests that social influence from powerful individuals could be a factor this week. This may be an intent to steal some of your limelight or perhaps they want some of your reflected glory. Take care if they want a piece of your action as they may interfere. Where were they when you needed them? They may, however, boost some of your resources.

Rubeus in the 12th house (Sagittarius) could add some further intensification to your internal energies and subconscious thinking. Be prepared for hidden issues which may arise suddenly. Nip them in the bud quickly before they become emotional outbursts.


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Thank you.


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