Acquisitio in the 10th house (Scorpio) will provide you with an expanding awareness of ideas this week. You will also be able to accomplish much more than you thought possible. You will find ideas begin to clarify as to how to reach what you’re working towards. In fact, there will almost be too many ideas! You have been thinking and thinking for a long time — and what great thinking it has been. Now, you can capitalise on the rising tide of Flow to bring those ideas forward.
Because we all operate in a tide of Flow you are likely to find that others who resonate with you will also be having great ideas. This will be important to you, because whilst their ideas will be useful and interesting in themselves, you need to focus on your ideas. If you don’t you will find that their ideas crowd out your ideas. The end result of that will be that others will simply find work for you to do. In fact, if you’re not careful, you will find ‘other work’ for you to do, too.
The way round that is not to do more but to do less more powerfully. You will find natural forces working on you, and with you, in ways that may be hard to define but which you can unmistakably feel. Allow that. Anything which moves you forward towards your objectives will be broadly useful to you.
The Pars Jovii this week is in the fifth house (Gemini). This seems to follow on from previous week’s Castings, in fact. It indicates that while social influences were useful to you, you should now keep them at a greater distance. Specifically, because you are trying to reduce ‘chance’ in the system you may find that there are too many ‘good things’ happening with regard to others. This means that other people, particularly socially, could prove an unnecessary (even if not welcome!) distraction. To work within Flow you’ll find it helps you most to do more of what is necessary rather than more of what is pleasant.
Caput Draconis in the second house (Pisces) indicates the need for you to focus your resources. This will be the beginning of the great concentration this week. You’re likely to find that your thoughts and feelings turn towards your possessions and specifically your finances. The suggestion then is to pare down any extraneous effort and expenditure. Concentrate your resources. This doesn’t mean you should be stingy, but rather ‘considered’ in those areas in which you spend your time and your money.
You will find that the right way forward for you will be able to be felt instinctively, a shining path in the darkness of swirling thoughts and emotions. Your feelings will become clearer — intuitively so.
If you are in Flow you will be able to give those focused thoughts and feelings a creative outlet, realising how they can propel you forward. This is a great opportunity. Go deeper. Don’t waste the chance to create something new from this crucible of intensity.
Take control of your Destiny

The Active Transform this week is Albus (24) in the sixth house (Cancer). Here we see the direction you should be feeling towards: eliminate the unnecessary and form a protective defence around your core ideas and wisdom. It will not be sufficient to simply sift, you must also concentrate. This is what the pressure and focus from Caput Draconis allows you to do. Otherwise, you may end up feeling that there is simply an increasing pressure on you, possibly from others, and likely, at work.
With regard to work you can allow your creativity and wisdom to help you develop new ideas. To do this you will find it helpful to express creative and imaginative thoughts as actions (even if these aren’t actions that you will take personally).
You are then likely to find thoughts will burst upon you with brilliance, provided you have primed yourself by eliminating the unnecessary. Only then are you likely to really experience the clarity.
The key will be to feel how focused feelings help you and others to become more secure. It is likely that all this intensity will manifest as the practical application of emotion.
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