A change is in the air after the strong forces of the last two weeks…
Albus in the 3rd house (Pisces) shows that you will be very perceptive of others’ thoughts and feelings. This will be very useful to you as you are likely to see the need for a change in an important situation this week. Something has been unclear—possibly even mysterious—until now and you are in the mood to clear it up.
You will also likely find that you can communicate complex ideas with clarity and passion. This is something that you will find you can apply to yourself (in understanding situations and positions) and also to others in order to help them understand what is going on and what is needed.
Do not be too surprised if this aspect draws you into the need for creative ways of writing or speaking your message.
Caput Draconis in the 2nd house (Aquarius) represents a change in your interests later in the week to how to manage how you are feeling particularly towards your finances (but other resources could be included, too). You might also need to become more hands-on in managing a wider range of issues than you had thought.
In some ways you are hopeful that matters will proceed without too much need for you to get involved. That is likely to be the case and only a light touch is likely to be all that will be needed. There is always the question of how much help is actually helpful, rather than it being seen as interference. Fortunately, you seem to judge matters right and apply just the right amount of steering.
The key to doing this is to stay objective about events and, if you can, your feelings. Keep to the proper rules for everything. By staying dispassionate you will be able to find increased ways to utilise your talents.

Take control of your Destiny
The Active Transform this week is Aquisitio (3) in the 1st house (Capricorn). This shows that great material success is within your grasp. You can have confidence in any plans involving prudent and thoughtful expansion, that is, positive growth based on wisdom and experience.
Opportunities to be able to do more and to achieve more will quickly materialise.
Grow and steadily increase where you are able, particularly if you can increase new skills and knowledge. There are great opportunities to expand your personal strengths and stability of circumstances.
The Pars Mercurii is in the 12th house (Sagittarius) this week. This provides an enigmatic corollary: Some wisdom can be ignored. For example, have you noticed that almost every proverb has an opposite piece of wisdom? ‘Look before you leap’ is the opposite of ‘He who hesitates is lost’. Choose the wisdom that matters and applies to your situation.
The lesson from this is to be diligent in separating caution from fear.
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