Strategic Control

Conjnctio + Via → Carcer (23)
Astrogem Casting for week commencing 7th July 2024

There is another relatively simple progression in Flow this week. The trine aspect ensures that matters all move through one element, Water, so feelings will play a significant role as events unfold.

Conjunctio in the 6th house (Scorpio) indicates some pressure to change things in the work environment. Someone is feeling the strain and a new plan of action is needed. While it may not be you who has to come up with a plan for the way forward what is more likely is that it will be you who will evaluate it.

Your ability to see the overall picture and to be able to spot any weak points will be very useful this week. There will be important issues that need to be sorted out, but don’t let that stress you out. Keep a clear head, even if others are losing theirs… especially if they are losing theirs, actually!

There may be a buzz of excitement when change is in the air and that is a good thing. It seems at first though that while there maybe good ideas floating around they have not been fully thought through and they don’t have enough detail and force. Just wanting the outcome is no substitute for practical detail. That’s where you can help. You can see that the strategy needs to be fleshed out and in exactly what way.

Via in the 2nd house (Cancer) shows that it is only when feelings, motivation, the what’s-in-it-for-me is clearly defined that you will be able to flesh out the plan and give it weight. It will be particularly helpful to define what the payoff of the plan is supposed to be. Only then will it be clear how doing A will cause B. This will help to define clear boundaries for the operation.

Strategic Control, StockSnap, Pixabay, (CC0)

Take control of your Destiny


The Active Transform this week is Carcer (23) in the 10th house (Pisces). Once both the physical plan and the emotional justification become clear the whole thing becomes workable. Of course it takes planning and effort to get to the endpoint, but there is every sign that when you bring all this together that you will be able to make it a success.

It will require high standards in order to be executed properly. That doesn’t mean it should be over-controlled, however. A firm grip, of course, but not a crushing one will be the order of the day. Reputation is important in two ways—for getting the job done and also for not killing yourself in the process!

The Pars Mercurii is in the 10th house (Pisces) and gives some additional useful input here. Keep to the plan as outlined and don’t get side tracked with embellishments. As an analogy, don’t let people start putting in the furniture until you’ve finished building the house. Chicken counting is a big no-no.




There was one Rogue this week: Fortuna Minor in the 2nd house (Cancer). Avoid not just over-control but also over-planning. Allow emotional momentum to build in order to provide the drive to get the project done. Keep your costs to necessary items only. This will allow you to exert the appropriate strategic control and ensure success.


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