Conjunctio in the 10th house (Taurus) indicates that you are likely to be working in an atmosphere of ‘solid outward expression’. What this means is that you are likely expected to conform to the system and a fixed recipe to get results. This isn’t likely to find favour with you for a variety of reasons, the main one being that the status quo is so regimented, a bit like a sausage machine… Put the ingredients in the top, turn the handle and out comes the product. Done.
Now while this works it can be boring and unsatisfying. It feels not so much constrained or fixed but possibly a little slow, mundane and a little unfair in its sameness. It stifles creativity and therefore the rewards that might otherwise be available. (Surely there are other ways to make sausages, other flavours, slightly different ingredients, other shapes?)
Albus in the 3rd house (Libra) sees a way to even things up, however. When new ideas occur to you they need to be brought forward. Be aware though that it is not always helpful to go straight to the answer but to take a little bit of an indirect approach: suggest, not tell. While things need to be fairer, suggestions of how and why the system can be improved from the perspective of the overall project would likely be a more productive approach.
What others seem to be lacking is goodwill. They don’t seem to understand that you’ll attract more bees with honey than you will with vinegar.
You will likely find that showing how a few tweaks mean that everyone can benefit more smooths the way—a variation of approach that makes life a little bit better for everyone if we can adapt things… just a little.
The Pars Mercurii is in the 6th house (Capricorn). Some may try to use guilt or some appeal to duty to keep you ‘in your place’. Don’t have any of it! Lift your eyes to the higher cause. Nobody can argue with your motives then!
Take control of your Destiny
The Active Transform this week is Rubeus (23) in the 8th house (Pisces). This takes things to a whole new level and may produce some startling results. If you have been able to produce any kind of change in the current thinking (including your own) it is likely that you may have stepped on some toes (inadvertently) or that some cherished ideas will need to be abandoned. Soothing bruised egos and reassurance of progress, improvement and all-round benefits will help. There is likely to be a need for give and take on all sides. (Can you change your cherished ways for thinking and working?)
Understanding that you are working for harmony and success overall—even if it disturbs the way things have always been done—will be important.
This placement is often associated with both psychic and spiritual aspiration. In the present Flow this will likely manifest as a high degree of empathy (rather than intellect) which guiding your way.
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