This week sees another trine in the casting. The geomes move around the house since last week and we now have Fortuna Minor in the ninth (Scorpio) and Via in the fifth (Cancer). These are two powerful luminaries within the chart, (though not quite as powerful as they could grow into, Fortuna Major and Populus). That said, this will give us a huge charge of emotional energy this week as the trine rests within all the water signs.
Fortuna Minor suggests that our attention may shift from growing our outside interests to more focus on family and friends. There has been much to do recently with regard to structuring how we want to see the world and how we connect with others. Now it’s time to make that personal.
Flow contracts between the two geomes suggesting that it will be time to ease off the accelerator pedal when it comes to our high level relationships. Now is the time to start reconnecting with those who make our lives worthwhile.
Embrace the love
We need to embrace more thoughtful loving relationships and be more protective of, and towards, our friends. It’s also a time when we need to start building new relationships. If you get this right some of those relationships will turn out to be very advantageous to both parties. It is a time when we can begin to connect deeply with others.
New connections that we form should not, however, be gone into simply because of what we think we might be able to get out of them! They must be entered into in a spirit of engagement, cooperation and mutual attraction/interests. Only in this way will they be seen to be genuine and have a chance of flourishing later.
This is also a time when you can quietly drive your creativity. See what is new within you and begin to nurture it.
Take control of your Destiny
To make the most of the Flow this week you really need to be able to give and to receive equally. Only if you have been able to emotionally connect with others will they feel comfortable in connecting with and helping you. This is not a revolving door though, the emotions must be genuine. The Flow can be very rewarding this week for those who genuinely enter into a spirit of cooperation. The Active Transform this week is Fortuna Major (12) in the first (Pisces):
This shows us that what we do in practice can turn into something from which we can draw lessons. Thus, practical becomes theoretical. We gain new insights, new approaches, new understandings of how we want to be seen in the world and how the world can seals in turn.
If we have provided genuine emotional support to others then we will find this a time when they will be able to show such support back to us. It’s time of mutuality, of sharing and of connecting.
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