Acquisitio in the 10th house (Aquarius) is a figure indicating abundance, particularly of ideas and ideals. It is a sign associated with the hopes and dreams of a better life, indeed, a better world. Generally this is a very favourable figure. What then needs to be taken into consideration is the square aspect between the geomes. This aspect makes things a little more challenging. Matters may not be quite what they seem on the surface. So while this at first seems like an open treasure chest we need to look at it a little more closely.
When you examine it in detail you may see that some ideas which come your way may not be very practical—attractive, certainly, but perhaps lacking the detail that would make them truly workable.
It can be a heady time with people talking up big ideas, offering hope and support on big issues. You, however, will be able to see the truth in all the shiny possibilities.
That doesn’t make you a killjoy or a nay-sayer but simply a battle-tested pragmatist. You recognise that hope and a supportive team is great, but what really counts is who is prepared to make it happen.
Via in the 1st house (Taurus) later in the week allows you a period of reflection where you can mull over and think through the possibilities.
You will find that it helps here to put your thoughts and situations through various filters. Filter out what will not work emotionally or financially. Sort out what feels right. As it’s going to come down to you taking action in the end, do you really want and need to change and, if so, to what extent?
Going through this period of sifting you will likely find that some options drop out of the running pretty quickly while others shine like diamonds in mud.

Take control of your Destiny
The Active Transform this week is Amissio (24) in the 4th house (Leo). This shows that you will have the opportunity to really benefit from what is on offer this week. While the open treasure chest offered many seemingly precious jewels, you could quickly see what was truly valuable and had worth and what did not.
What really is a diamond to you will be just that and will look good in your crown.
Playing off one idea against another and making difficult decisions to get to the real treasure is never going to be easy—nothing worthwhile ever is. But you will know and you will benefit.
From all the treasure you get to select the true treasure.
The Pars Jovii is also in the 4th house (Leo) this week. It offers you a warm respite for your feelings: You will be in command of your choices and you will be able to progress with your eyes wide open.
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