Flow is concerned with the same three houses as the last Casting, but different geomes are telling the story this week.
Via in the 3rd house (Pisces) brings newness to the week. Metaphorically this shows the position at low tide. Much mystery in the change process could be laid bare. This might seem to be a time of out with the old and in with the new, but be cautious. While the situation might be deep it doesn’t have to be dramatic. There aren’t likely to be any fireworks or flashing lights, just a realisation that change is happening.
You are likely to find a number of ideas as to what might be next popping up. There will be lots of possibilities. It will be tempting to have a clean sweep and to want to clear the board, as it were, and to get rid of the old ways of doing things. You can add into that mix in your heightened sensitivity to the feelings of others. Avoid letting your mind and feelings wander.
Laetitia in the 2nd house (Aquarius) follows on in Flow and indicates that various and disparate threads and possibilities are likely to open up. But it should quickly become apparent how much effort is required for each one.
Much of the effort required to bring about meaningful change is likely to be seen as arduous. This is just a perception, however. Any action you take will be easier than you think once you get started. But this placement suggests something more. There may be an idealistic or even unrealistic approach to finances. Pay particular attention to unconventional and innovative uses of your cash. There may be a suggestion to invest your money in some new technology. Do due diligence to make sure it really is worth the money. If the situation is uncertain or unknown just hoping for the best is not the right way forward. So how to proceed in all these situations?

Take control of your Destiny
The Active Transform this week is Caput Draconis (1234) in the 1st house (Capricorn). This indicates the need to embrace responsibility, structure, and long-term planning. The answers you need will likely come after you have clearly seen the options on offer. Only then will a new idea or approach be a clear, inspirational guide.
But don’t look for it among your existing options, look for it instead among what someone else has done or suggested (aka, their learning and experience). Their situation may not be exactly like yours, and their solution may not be exactly what you are looking for, but your acceptance of a different viewpoint will prove useful. Just adapt it to your particular needs. By definition, an outstanding idea stands out from the rest.
Don’t shy away from doing what will benefit you just because you didn’t think of it. Do what works.
The Pars Luna is in the 2nd house (Aquarius). When you’ve already got a ton of options the last thing you need is even more possibilities, however well-intentioned. Weed out the existing unworkable options, don’t add to them.
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Great advice, thank you.
Thanks for that, Chrissie. I appreciate the feedback. Hope you have a great week.