
Astrogem, Geomancy, Geomantic, Divination, February, 2019, Horoscope, Astrogem Geomancy, Personal, Development, Productivity

Puella + Fortuna Minor → Caput Draconis (134)
Astrogem Casting for week commencing 17th February 2019

This week we see all the geomes in Earth signs and therefore bound together in a trine aspect. In fact, it is the trine which helps us see the positive in what might otherwise be felt as a bit of a slog.

Puella in the 12th house (Capricorn) shows that you know or perhaps fear that there is hard work ahead. Perhaps you have a feeling that you will have to toil upward for a while (Capricorn being a mountain goat, after all). This toil is not a bad thing in itself, as you realise that rewards only come with effort. It doesn’t mean that you’re looking forward to it, however.

It is that practical mental approach which will serve you well: recognising the lessons and hard work which need to be learnt and applied to move yourself forward.

The two Taps at Level 2 show that your thoughts maybe either subconscious (placed on the 12th) or conscious and well-grounded within you. Either way, they may be hidden from immediate view and only show themselves as an underlying feeling. Either way, you are likely to recognise the need to endure.

The Pars Venusii this week is in the fifth house (Gemini). This turns out to be an interesting factor in the Casting. It suggests that you are looking to create beauty around you in the image of your dreams. While you may recognise that these will not be realised without effort, it is the gap between where you are now and those dreams which is the path you need to walk. Perhaps you are wondering if your dreams are too big or too beautiful. No, they are not. Ever.


Astrogem, Geomancy, Geomantic, Divination, February, 2019, Horoscope, Astrogem Geomancy, Personal, Development, Productivity

Endurance, Christoph Deinet, Unsplash, (CC0)

All journeys have an endpoint and you should shoot for the highest you can get.

Fortuna Minor in the fourth house (Taurus) suggests that you will be able to show a stubborn determination to get what you want. This means digging your heels in. It means putting your shoulder to the wheel and doing what is necessary — simply. Again, the trine is the saving grace here. You don’t have to do anything fancy, just persist. Keep plodding on, particularly at home, but never lose sight of the vision you want to realise.


Take control of your Destiny


The Active Transform this week is Caput Draconis (134) in the eighth house (Virgo). These are your dreams realised. They may even be perfected eventually.

Persistence of ideas and stubbornness of execution bring a dependability of results. New ideas and the hope of a perfect outcome keep your star shining brightly in front of you.

The earthiness expressed in the Casting shows Flow transforming all into the ideal.

Persist and all will be well — and worth the effort.


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Thank you.


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