Fortuna Major in the 10th house (Taurus) is a fortunate placement. It gives you a feeling of settled calmness and of being in control of your current circumstances. This is partly because you are able to meet existing challenges with relative ease and also because you understand what is required. It’s always nice to feel on top of things (though being too settled might get a little boring after a while). Matters have been sufficiently ‘interesting’ recently that it’s good to have a bit of the pressure off. In Flow, what were once choppy waters can calm to almost stillness… but just as suddenly become part of the main river of circumstance again.
Tristitia is conjunct to Fortuna Major in the 10th house (Taurus) and this is likely to shake things up. There looks to be a sudden shift in circumstance later in the week. This is likely to be an acceleration of activity, probably imposed from outside. This might be a demanding boss or customer but it could equally be an idea which strikes you which simply will not wait. Inventive ideas have a way of jolting us into action.
Initially this circumstance may be pulling you in a different direction than you were going. Perhaps some changed factor suddenly alters the nature of what you’re working on. Or perhaps there is a sudden realisation about the project which gives a new perspective and direction.
You would much prefer to be free to do things your own way, of course, and this is where matters get interesting.
You can think of the change as being like a heavy stone thrown into a lake. Splash! Disturbance, unclear, unsettled… waves… then ripples slowly expanding…
The waves and ripples expand and slowly subside, getting smaller and wider. Focus on the central calm within even as the ripples are expanding. The water around the rock has already ‘healed’ almost before the noise of the splash has died down. And so can your mind calm itself.
The Pars Solii is in the 1st house (Leo) and gives a very clear reinforcing message: You must not let ego get in the way. Standing on your dignity, being offended at the demands being placed on you will work against you. Remove the ego from the situation. Instead, let unflappable mastery carry you forward.
Take control of your Destiny
The Active Transform this week is Albus (34) also in the 10th house (Taurus). By keeping your cool, allowing the ripples to settle and by ‘rising above’ you will maintain your energy and your dignity. You will need your energy to deal with the situation in front of you, so it is better not to waste it on hurt feelings. That would just make things more difficult for yourself in the end.
By keeping to the high road and keeping your cool you will actually stand to gain more in both opportunity and respect.
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