Fortuna Major in the fourth house (Aries) suggests that it’s time to push out a little this week. You should be feeling reasonably secure in yourself and in your surroundings so now you can let things develop.
See what you can do easily and simply to move things forward. You don’t need to make any big moves, just allow things to develop naturally.
You’ve got a lot of goodwill on your side so that you can afford to take people up on their offers (when appropriate, of course).
Acquisitio in the fifth house (Taurus) shows that you can now start to build the foundations of friendships. And these will be real friendships, not acquaintances and not partnerships but real friendships. You might notice a softening up or thawing of some of your existing relationships allowing you to take some gentle further steps forward. It will be up to you whether you take them are not.
In going into a new friendship the Flow indicates that it would be perhaps unwise to think what you can get out of it. If your contact with others do blossom into something more in the future then all well and good. In all likelihood there is a good chance that they will as it happens. But at the moment just be gentle, kind and think of them and you becoming friends. Just talk and let them see the kind of person you are.
Take control of your Destiny
Given the semi-sextile between the first two geomes puts the Active Transform Conjunctio (34) in the sixth house (Gemini).
The way to make the best use of the Flow at the moment therefore is to be genuine. Let your highest ideals flow into your actions. If you do this then you will be being true to yourself and it’s an excellent way to build your relationships. Everyone then knows where they stand from the outset and you will be building on firm foundations. Gently push out, testing the waters as you go.
Show people you’re prepared to meet them halfway and enjoy the feeling of new connections.
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There were three Rogues this week: Via, Fortuna Major and Conjunctio.
Via made its presence felt at the start of the reading and indicates that the overall feel of the casting is active in the sense that we need to ‘get started’ and ‘keep moving’.
The second pair of Rogues came my notice as I was putting the gemstones back in their bag. Not only that but they were also present in the casting itself.
I took this to mean that we will likely be see and feel the resonances and overtones of this casting in many areas of our life if we look for them. So watch for additional friendships and new links in many areas of your life — and at many levels.
Gaia expresses herself on many levels and in many different ways and all within the Flow. You are therefore likely to find the same kinds patterns repeating throughout the week. Just make contact, be friendly and see how things develop. It’s time to take a step towards them.
Sharing is loving — please spread the word of geomancy by sharing this casting with your friends and followers.
Thank you.
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