Go As Far As You Dare But No Further

Astrogem, Geomancy, Geomantic, Divination, December, January, 2016, Horoscope, Astrogem Geomancy, Personal, Development, Productivity

Conjunctio + Rubeus → Albus (23)
Astrogem Casting for week commencing 24th January 2016


Conjunctio in the fifth house (Taurus) this week sees you making further connections with others — at least if you want them. The rule of thumb for most of the week will be to stay grounded and not let matters slip out of your control.

You’ll find that the Flow will be constantly pushing or pulling you out of your comfort zone. This can be both just what you need and a bit of a minefield.

You are likely to find that it will be relatively easy to make contact with others, particularly in a social sense. There will be opportunities for some much-needed social interaction. The Flow implies here that you’ve been feeling the need for some good, simple and enjoyable escapes from the mundane day-to-day routine. The square aspect to the second geome, Rubeus in the eighth house (Leo), indicates the need to take this cautiously though.

To avoid disrupting yourself and your plans too much you should be careful about how and to whom you reveal yourself.

For a start you’ll find that people will be only too keen to push far and fast in directions that suit them. And they will be looking to enlist help from whoever happens to be standing around.

To the extent that it suits you then fine, go ahead. But bear in mind that they will be working to their agenda, not to yours. Watch that it doesn’t benefit only them not you.

The Flow indicates that some fairly radical moves are in the offing. So be careful with new opportunities, you may quickly feel out of your depth if you don’t see the whole picture first.

By all means make use of whatever you can but avoid getting swept along out of control.

Change is happening all around you this week: Big change, small change, inside you and out. The question will be only how much you want.

The tide will be changing direction fast and opportunities will present themselves. You will find that it will give you an opportunity to have a bit of a clear out. This might even extend to clearing out some social obligations which aren’t really working for you.


Take control of your Destiny


The Active Transform this week is Albus (23) in the 11th house (Scorpio). This indicates that any changes you do make will have ripples for a long time to come.

And with any new change there will probably be much to learn and much to think about. It will be a bit like the first day in a new place with new people.

How far will you go? The Active Transform suggests that even the changes you do choose to make may have a few birth pains.

The suggestion then would be to go as far as you dare but to keep your common sense fully alert.

True friends and opportunities will be — and be seen to be — both wise and open.

The bottom line then is: If it’s not clear, stay clear.


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Thank you.


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