It was a complete coincidence! There is no way that the fact that the Astrogem website was down last week in any way foreshadowed the global computer outage on Friday. It is also a coincidence that Friday was the hottest day of the year here you couldn’t open Windows. (Sorry, bad pun.)
Fortuna Major in the 5th house (Sagittarius) is a very positive and happy placement, particularly given this trine aspect with the second geome. It shows that there is a great mood of sociable optimism associated with Flow. It is a time for learning, growth and general enthusiasm for moving projects forward.
Events seem to be conspiring both outside your and inside your mental frame. This means that the company, circumstances and environment seem conducive to exploring new areas: new ideas, new connections and new people. Now while this could all be just a wonderfully sociable time you will find that if you set your intention to steer towards what you can learn, progress and consolidate in your projects you will see maximum growth.
The Pars Solii is also in the 5th house (Sagittarius) and gives an important rider to this interpretation. It says that while all seems positive and good, don’t take matters too far with regard to the circumstances. To get the most out of Flow you should be sociable but not let matters get out of hand. Focus on the learning to be had from the situation not just the fun of the situation itself. As an analogy, having a social drink with friends and contacts would be fine; getting drunk them would not help. That would be focusing too much on the present mood or situation and not on building, growth and learning. ‘Energy and enthusiasm, but with a degree of decorum’, should be the motif for the week.
Amissio in the 9th house (Aries) then kicks things up a notch. If you’ve got the basic idea in place from the first geome then later in the week the mood matures to deeper learning and adventure. New ideas, approaches and learning become available, deepening the expression of the energy at the start of the week.
You will find ideas and actions become more practical and doable and with clearer enthusiasm. You are likely to find increasingly that you are learning and, importantly, progressing as the week moves on.

Take control of your Destiny
The Active Transform this week is Carcer (34) in the 1st house (Leo). This is magisterial. This is royal dignity and follows on directly from ‘sociable’ to ‘knowledgeable’ to ‘masterly’ expression of Flow this week. It is a restrained magnificence. Picture a wise, noble and dignified ruler and you will get the feeling about right.
This is no static noble figure, however. It indicates that you now have the knowledge and authority to do! Now your potential and learning have grown into personal growth and achievement. Make the most of it.
There was one Rogue this week: Amissio in the 10th house (Taurus). Situations where you might be asked (or tempted) to show-off should be carefully avoided. Others may be testing you to see just how good you are or perhaps to simply revel in reflected glory. This interpretation echoes that of Pars: don’t let the easily sociable distract you from your path of personal achievement.
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Words fail me. Seriously. Thank you.
Thank you for the feedback Paula. Much appreciated.