
Carcer + Caput Draconis → Cauda Draconis (14)
Astrogem Casting for week commencing 7th November 2021

Given the ‘heavy’ nature of the geomes involved this week, combined with the square aspect, it is possible that events may feel dramatic… External forces are swirling and uncertain. It is to be hoped that these eddies in Flow will be comparatively mild, but it is better to be forewarned… You’ll likely find that there will be ‘no guarantees’ this week, but that there is a spark of hope which can become a real possibility.

Carcer in the 5th house (Aquarius) suggests that you will be trying to make what is abstract much more concrete, particularly in your dealings with others. But it will be like trying to pin down lightning! You may be seeking to learn new lessons and to progress. But progress might seem elusive. Most of this will be because of uncertainty in your friends and acquaintances.

Will they ever make up their mind? Will they ever settle down and give you a definite answer? The answers are coming frustratingly slowly.

The key will be to go with your gut feelings and not with the (vague) promises from others.

In a work situation they are unlikely to deliver on their stated good intentions—at least for a while yet. They will make excuses. There will always be some reason why things don’t pan out with them. It seems there’s always something new for them to consider or which needs to be taken into account.

They seem like a flickering candle.

Caput Draconis in the 8th house (Taurus) shows that you need to move on. Know your own certainties and don’t rest on your laurels.

The Pars Saturnii in the 9th house (Cancer) indicates that you shouldn’t try to get comfortable with the current situation. Don’t rely on their promises. Don’t seek securities and guarantees. Any you get will not be worth much.

Taken together with the second geome you can see that the only intentions and circumstances you can truly know are your own. The only person whose motives are clear to you is you. Others are not seeking to make things difficult for you, it’s just that they don’t have your focus.

Don’t be too hard on them. They are probably unaware of the effect they are having. They are too wrapped up in themselves and their own concerns.

Flicker, Pikrepo.com, (CC0)


Take control of your Destiny


The Active Transform this week is Cauda Draconis (14) in the 11th house (Leo). This shows that all uncertainty can pass you by once you stop depending on others. You are your own champion. It is your belief in yourself which matters.

It is your will to make, to create and to shape which brings you the hope and promise of a better future.

Stay strong.


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Thank you.


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