Happy Autumn Equinox to all my readers!
(Did you know that the name for the festival (‘Mabon’) was only coined in 1970’s by Aidan A. Kelly? See here and here.)
This is the time of balance, of day and night being of equal length. (I wonder why we call it ‘Equinox’, literally ‘equal night’ rather than ‘Equilux’, ‘equal light’? If anyone knows, perhaps they’d drop me a line.)
What an unusual Casting it is this week!
Both geomes, and therefore the Active Transform, too, are all conjunct in the first house, (Virgo). This means that the Pars Solii is also in the first house! Interestingly, there was also a Rogue which shaded the interpretation in a particular direction…
Given the fact that this is the Equinox it is interesting to see both luminaries featuring so prominently in the first house — the house of you, your appearance and your forward direction. This makes the casting feel significant, more so than the usual weekly Castings.
If we look at the structure of the two Fortuna Major geomes we see the meaning is clear: This week is all about you and your perfect thoughts. Even if you don’t feel that your thoughts are perfect, they are — either in structure, or in their basis, or their direction, and even if you are not completely sure of them!
Take control of your Destiny
Flow then moves to the Active Transform Populus (34), also in Virgo, showing that thoughts (Levels 1 and 2) stay perfectly balanced and in harmony but open out to the practical expression in the physical world of Levels 3 and 4.
In other words, perfect thoughts, plans and wishes have to be expressed in practical, physical action. Planning has to carry you forward now into doing the journey.
Whatever thoughts you have of advancing yourself, now is the time. Make your thoughts and ideas happen.
See and walk the clear road between planning to doing.
Given that this is in the first house it may be that only you can see the way ahead clearly.
The old interpretation of the geomes was of great good fortune. Given this placement, that should give us great hope for the execution of our ideas!
The Rogue was Puer in the 10th house (Gemini). Gemini shares the same ruler, Mercury, as the first house’s Virgo. Puer is all about physical action, energy and drive.
This gives an important shading to the Casting. The major objective of realising your plans and actions should therefore be outward, not inward. In other words you should be creating your home in the world.
Move to the future of you in the outside world.
Create your world the way you want to be, perfect in image and form.
You will be learning as you will be creating.
What you feel, what you know and what you do should all be of one purpose.
You are the Captain of your Soul…
Set sail!
Sharing is loving — please spread the word of geomancy by sharing this casting with your friends and followers.
Thank you.
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