Via in the 2nd house (Pisces) represents the start of a whole new series of potential opportunities this week. That can sound like a great thing but given the square aspect of the Casting there is going to be more to the situation than first appearances.
The sea of possibilities around you may at first seem somewhat murky, deep or obscure and you can’t easily get a picture of what’s going on or a clear steer on the way forward. There may be occasional flashes in the darkness, but nothing by which you can easily set your course. Therefore, for the first part of the week it will be best to simply keep your eyes open and see the threads popping up all around you.

Observe your own emotions without becoming too heavily drawn into them. Look for patterns. You might even find it helpful to take notes of any recurring themes.
The way forward will probably not be a synthesis of any of these ideas. It will most likely just be hidden in all the murkiness. But by paying attention to what you are feeling you will be preparing the ground for when the main idea shows up later in the week.
Caput Draconis suggests that this new idea will come to you in the form of a chance lesson (or other teaching) from outside of yourself. For example, you may unexpectedly hear about a salutary experience from (or about) someone else in a social setting. You may get inspiration from what someone teaches in a book. It may even be a phrase or instance which suddenly resonates with you during a meditation. (Given that both Pisces, Gemini and Laetitia feature in the Casting don’t be surprised if you’ve known about this thing for some time but that it suddenly can be looked at in a different way and that it now, suddenly makes sense!)
This change may seem to come by chance, but if you’ve been swimming in that murk but looking out for the way forward you are likely to spot it.
Instead of ideas just floating around one intuition will stand out—a steady flame of bright colour amid the swirling and flashing clouds of thoughts, ideas and possibilities.

The Pars Luna is in the 10th house (Scorpio). This indicates that you shouldn’t try to deliberately control your thinking in order to find your direction. Simply being open to what you are thinking (and hence the mention of meditation) is a better approach. Seeking to control or force things to click likely won’t work.
Take control of your Destiny
The Active Transform is Laetitia (1234) in the 8th house (Virgo) this week. This is a clear invitation to follow the lead of that main, shining idea. When you do you might be surprised what a kaleidoscope of new possibilities open up. This again is a manifestation of possibilities, but this time they are in clear, bright colours with detailed and defined edges.
The crystalline pattern emerges and you may then pick from among the many options.
A slight shift in your thoughts will reveal yet more ways and choices to consider, each with important implications to think through. This time, however, the patterns are not murky. This time they are clear and healthy.
Choose wisely. Choose the best amongst them.
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