What Takes You Away Brings You Closer

Astrogem, Geomancy, Geomantic, Divination, March, April, 2014, Horoscope, Astrogem Geomancy

Astrogem Casting for week commencing 24th March 2014

This week is full of new ideas and you are in an expansive frame of mind.

While in some respects you feel a little reluctant to commit much physically at the moment (single new tap at Level 3 of Albus) you do feel as though you want to make some large changes.

This is all for the good.  You have some great ideas and you need to capitalise on the incisiveness that you’ve been able to bring to your projects.

The clear direction in your mind will be to make some changes to your own way of doing things.  This week brings a very clear sense of focus and direction in your life.

It’s as though the clouds part and you suddenly get a glimpse of where you need to be and what you need to do.

As one door opens

As the door opens you will want to make changes and to create growth.  It’s almost as if you could burst wanting to get your message across to people!

Later in the week we see a shift to Cauda Draconis.  As this is in the fifth house it would suggest that there is a strong social component to your activities – at least that’s the Flow is likely to work out.  This, it has to be said, is not exactly what you were looking for.  At first sight it seems to take you away from what you have been trying to achieve and from the sudden focus of clarity you have been experiencing.

Yes, you will need to take care of this new business and it may seem to take you away from what you feel you should, or would, like to be doing.

Given that the geomes are in trine to each other, however, this will not prove to be too much of a problem for you.  It’s likely that you will find this a necessary and interesting diversion.  It’s likely to open up new areas and connections for you.  You may also find it brings you something which it would be best to deal with now.

Focus on this.  Surrender to the opportunity…

Take control your Destiny

By adding the geomes we get a clear idea from the Flow of how we can capitalise on this ‘interesting diversion’.  The Active Transform is Fortuna Minor (3):

Astrogem, Geomancy, Geomantic, Divination, March, April, 2014, Horoscope, Astrogem Geomancy

Active Transform Fortuna Minor (3)

This suggests that you need to start thinking about the practical implications and actions which are available to you.  Last week’s casting showed that this was a good time to start pushing.  Now is the time to put full force behind your efforts.

You are likely to see results quickly, even if not completely.

Given that the transform is in Pisces you can also anticipate some unlooked for help, too.

You are likely to find that it will help to allow others into your confidence a little more closely.

But choose your moment and choose your friends carefully.


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