The Moon features significantly in the Casting this week. This means there is likely to be a strong emotional component to proceedings this week.
Via in the 9th house (Gemini) indicates significant growth potential in travel, links and communication with others are all available this week. Ideas and principles will start to click with you. How you can progress your plans becomes much more obvious.
Possibilities not only seem right but feel right, too. It is the start of bringing things to completion.
But all the fizzing new ideas and possibilities can only start to come to fruition once you have the magic ingredient, however.
The key element which is needed is other people.
Via is also the second geome, sextile to the first geome, in the 7th house (Aries). This means that as much as you can see the potential all around you, you will benefit from the inspiration, ideas, support and resources of others.
Flow underlines this key message this week: We are all angels with one wing. But together…
The Pars Luna in the 11th house (Leo) gives a very interesting additional meaning in the Casting. It indicates that in involving others it will be more useful for all concerned if you don’t try new things with old friends but instead to go deeper with new friends. Start working on turning new friends into old friends. Move from the social to the meaningful. To do this, look to deepening new contacts with acts of understanding and rapport based on truly seeing to connect with them.
Let your empathy guide you.

Take control of your Destiny
The Active Transform this week is Populus (1234) in the 5th house (Aquarius). This reinforces the idea from the Pars that you need to be keeping contacts with others meaningful, humanitarian, concerned with deeper welfare and the broader application of generous ideas.
Populus often represents completion in the sense of ‘finishing’ something: The end of a cycle, the finishing touch, signing it off and so on.
This week, however, we see a slightly different and subtle meaning of completion emerging.
Here it means that all the separate, necessary parts are brought together in a state of preparation or readiness.
As an analogy, it is like preparing a meal by getting all the tools and ingredients purchased, in place on the table and ready to start cooking.
Having completed getting everything and everyone together you can now start the next part. Completed but not finished, if you will.
There are bigger goals.
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Thank you.
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