The overall feeling of the Casting this week is that you are aiming to step up your game. This will require some thought, however…
Amissio in the 8th house (Sagittarius) suggests that the week starts with thoughts of how to produce the results you want. It can be difficult to get a clear focus on this. You seem to want so many things on so many different levels.
That doesn’t imply that you are dissipating your mental energy, but rather that the whole you are working towards is multi-faceted. Several themes or strings have to come together at specific times and in specific ways. In other words, you are trying to manage a complex picture… and it’s not easy!
Flow is suggesting that you might benefit from mental input from outside. Specifically, you will find it advantageous to open yourself up to learning from outside. It can take practise and perspective to think about big goals, so don’t feel that you have to do it alone. Thinking carefully about the experiences others have had, or taking advice from the lessons of history, can be very productive this week.
Examine your own resources carefully. There may be other—and better—ways to get what you want.
The Pars Venusii this week is in the 2nd house (Gemini) indicating that you don’t need to be concerned with ownership of possessions. Do not be reckless with things, people or emotions. But don’t dwell on them too much either.
Fortuna Major in the 9th house (Capricorn) shows Flow developing further and deeper in the direction of reflection and learning.
In many ways it is suggesting that you focus less on doing and more on thinking about doing. Specifically, that you take the learning you can gain from others, blended with your own insights and really drill down to get the breadth and depth of answers you are looking for.
Do not be concerned if the first ideas you have for things seem somewhat speculative or even far-fetched. You don’t have to act on anything just yet. You need to be able to sort the wheat from the chaff, so get lots of ideas and really home in on the best approaches. As Alan Kay said: “Point of view is worth 80 IQ points.”
What you are working towards is a blueprint for the next steps.
Take control of your Destiny
The Active Transform this week is Carcer (13) in the 10th house (Aquarius). Given the earthy solidity of Carcer and its association with Saturn there is a powerful dynamic with Aquarius’s airy qualities. It shows that thoughts, especially about the future, need to be well thought-out and grounded. There is also the potential for the hard working and painstaking Carcer to be elevated to consideration of wider issues, and broader possibilities.
Broader thinking is not the same thing as wishful thinking. In thinking of new strengths for your character you need to keep that focus on your mental blueprint.
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