
Populus + Acquisitio → Aquisitio
Astrogem Casting for week commencing 23rd May 2021

This is a very complex Casting. The interpretation overall is one of both completeness of one part of Flow and of another part starting off in along the next direction. But both beginnings and endings are deeply entwined.

Populus in the 4th house (Leo) is conjunct to Acquisitio also in the 4th house. This suggests an interesting composite picture of something both completing and not being finished. Or it may be that all the pieces are in place while still having elements which need to be played out.

This may also manifest as one part of something having finished but there remain loose ends to tie up.

More interestingly, it may indicate that while events may have reached some kind of conclusion there still remains the final decision to be made… in other words, the Judge is now deliberating!

There are other factors in this most unusual Casting which will play a part, too…

First, the Active Transform is Acquisitio in the 4th house (Leo). This suggests that whatever the outcome of the current situation(s) you will likely find the way forward will most likely to be ‘where you are now’ but on a higher level somehow. It’s an upward spiral: a very similar view and situation but somehow higher.

What now makes this interesting is some of the shading of interpretation in the Casting.

The strong Leonine influence in the fourth house suggests that this conjunction of geomes is ‘close to home’ in some way.

You are likely to feel expansive and growth minded even if matters are being finalised. It is therefore likely that you can already see the way things are likely to go. You can therefore plan ahead for how you will move forward.

This ‘close to home’ feeling resonates both with the Taurean first house home comforts and stability in which the Active Transform resides and also with the second house influence for a Rogue (see below). The overall impression is of you being in your nest. It provides a base, a resting place and a location from which to weather storms, formulate plans and decide the next part of your journey.

Nest, Ben Mullins, Unsplash, (CC0)


Take control of your Destiny

The Pars Luna in the 1st house (Taurus) suggests that one of the matters which may be influencing the picture is that you have a bigger dream of what could and should be. The more important consideration is what is happening in your centre of influence, however. Let your largeness of spirit sustain you.

The AT suggests that what is likely is that you will continue to work for what is right, dealing with the situation in front of you. Your generosity of heart will keep you on the right track, so there is no need to worry.


There was a Rouge this week: Puella in the second house (Gemini). This suggests that you may have some concerns over finances or other material possessions. The close connection and love of family can be helpful here by providing perspective. Thoughts and ideas can be shared which will provide emotional support. Do not be afraid to ask for help or to accept help which is offered.

Sharing is loving — please spread the word of geomancy by sharing this casting with your friends and followers.

Thank you.


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