Again we see a Venusian influence in the 8th house. But this week matters will be moving on…
Puella in the 8th house (Sagittarius) indicates that the need for thought indicated in Flow in the last Casting is now moving from the planning stage to the firm resolve stage. In other words, the hesitancy and planning which were indicated earlier now move on to finalise your decisions. Now there is the impulse to act on our thoughts and to move things forward.
Puer in the 4th house (Leo) shows that this is the time to start getting the necessary resources around you. You will get your chance to get moving in that way. You will benefit most from getting the physical pieces, tools and materials round you that you will need for your project. Everything should be immediately to hand.
This placement also shows that you need to be sure of your direction. Now this doesn’t mean that you need to spend any more time thinking things over. That should have happened a little while ago. Now is the time to ensure ‘goodness of fit’.
This is an interesting concept. It is the process you use when you are trying to decide where a particular piece of a jigsaw puzzle goes… You ‘offer it up’ to the place you think it might go to see whether it looks right or not. If you get a good fit in terms of colour and shape you can try it in place. It’s the same sort of process this week.
This is the deciding and thinking while doing which is different from last week’s Casting.
Don’t tighten any knots until you are sure you have the right type and length of rope. Ease things into position. Don’t force them. Check you have the right resources and that they are ready to go.
You are looking to decide gently, by testing in this way. Take it easy. When it is right you’ll find that it falls into place without much effort.

Take control of your Destiny
The Active Transform this week is Conjunctio (134) in the 12th house (Aries). This shows that once you are convinced of your next steps you will be able to head off into the unknown prepared and ready for the journey in as good a condition as possible. You therefore cement your direction with carefully felt-out simple, easy steps.
It is said that adventure begins where planning stops. It could also be said that danger does, too. But there is nothing dangerous indicated in this Casting. But you may find that letting go of the comfort of planning and heading out can set your pulse racing. That is all to the good.
The Pars Venusii is in the 9th house (Capricorn) and shows strongly that you cannot control everything—nor should you try! It is uncertainty which adds some of the zest to life.
There was one Rogue this week: Via in the first house (Taurus). This underlines the idea that while there are many possibilities opening up at the moment you should only follow the ones likely to move you along in the direction of your existing plans. Avoid the distraction of seemingly better, but very different, ways than you were planning.
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