Worthwhile Work

Populus + Fortuna Minor → Fortuna Minor
Astrogem Casting for week commencing 15th December 2019

Yule will soon be upon us. It occurs at 0419 next Sunday morning, 22nd December. This is the exact moment in the northern hemisphere when we experience the longest night and the shortest day. This makes it the start of the Solar year with the days then getting longer each day.

You may remember that last year we started taking photos of the last rays of the Sun of the old year and the first rays of the Sun of the new year. I’m going to do it again this year and I’d love it if you joined in, even if you get only manage to get one of the photos!

All you need to do is to take a photo of the setting Sun at your location and the rising Sun the next day.

You can find the exact times that this happens for your place on Earth HERE.

For me here in Bristol, UK, sunset will occur at 1603 on the 21st December and sunrise at 0813 on the 22nd.

It’s not just about taking the photograph, though. It’s about experiencing what this means. So even if you can’t actually see the Sun at the exact moment of setting or rising you can stand and look to where it’s happening and witness them in silence, knowing that ‘I was there’.

It is a moment when you can know and feel that one year has come to an end and the next is starting.

It’s New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day for people who love — and connect to — the Earth.

And for all who stand and witness, we connect.

And whether you are glad or sad to see the back of the old year, the new year brings new promise, new opportunities and a chance to create anew within the eternal cycles of Nature.

And the night between sunset and sunrise? Well that is a chance to reflect, to celebrate, to look forward and — for just for this special night — to feel yourself nestling in to Mother Earth ready for rebirth with the coming of the Sun.

Please send your photos and any story you would like to include of your experiences through the Contact Page and I’ll post them here on the blog.

So, on with today’s Casting…



Populus in the sixth house (Taurus) shows that something is coming to some kind of end. But it doesn’t mean that it’s finished. It means only that this phase is complete. It means that for growth to occur something else will need to happen to move you off a plateau.

This is a time when projects and problems we are trying to progress seems to be taking a lot of emotional focus. The ability to work hard and long does not seem to be a problem but it’s just the emotional investment which occasionally seems laborious.

Given that the geomes are in opposition you can expect that the current situation might seem at a bit of a deadlock and that it’s difficult to make progress. That’s understandable. What you need to avoid, however, is just the busyness of going round and round in circles. It’s a circular grind that seems productive, but it’s only an illusion. Be careful that you are simply ‘maintaining’ and not breaking new ground.

Fortuna Minor in the 12th house (Scorpio) shows that Flow is helping to create a deeper mindset. It is a time for you to find out what works for you in a much deeper way.

This shows that your work needs to persist and that you need to dig deeper with your fundamentals.

The best way to do this is to emotionally feel what progress means for you. Deeply understand what is essential and what works. Get rid of that which used to work but which now no longer serves you. Focus only on those things which truly help.

The Pars Luna in the seventh house (Gemini) suggests that people have been getting in your way. Given the fact that the two geomes are the luminaries it suggests that for now you ignore those who stand opposed to you.

Work with your allies. Feed on good thoughts and feelings. This is no time for negative influences.

Focus only on what is good, the useful and the true and allow the good to flourish.


Take control of your Destiny


The Active Transform this week is Fortuna Minor in the sixth house (Taurus). Given that the first geome is Populus it means that there are no new Taps in the Active Transform. Given the opposition aspect, too, back into Taurus it shows that you need to endure.

Worthwhile Work, Quino Al, Unsplash, (CC0)

To avoid running in circles on a plateau the removal of dross in your work and interactions will enable the circle to become an upward spiral. You might arrive back at the same point and you’ll still be going round, doing what is important, but this time it will be onwards and upwards with each revolution.

Following the pruning of the essential you can then find new consolidation, new care, new responsibility.

Work with the worthy.

Sharing is loving — please spread the word of geomancy by sharing this casting with your friends and followers.

Thank you.


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