Happy Mabon my friends! Today is the Autumn Equinox, the middle of the harvest season and we give thanks for all the fruits of our labours, agricultural, horticultural and otherwise. You might want to take a moment to appreciate what you’ve achieved so far this year.
As you may have noticed from an earlier post on this blog this week that the leaves are already starting to fall. This seems earlier than last year. If you want to Touch the Hair of the Goddess you might need to start your preparations soon. As always, if you send me a photo of your leaf catch I will post it here.
Via in the 11th house (Cancer) indicates that the mood of Flow is currently directed towards the care and concern for humanity. For you this may manifest in practical ways such as the care and protection of old friends, associates and, with that humanitarian flavour, charitable causes. These are general feelings of benevolence as you feel that you want to ‘gather in’ and ‘look after’. At least that is how your thoughts are turning. What though can be done about this practically?
Rubeus in the 3rd house (Scorpio) is in its natural sign which signifies an intensified influence. Given that it is trine to the first geome this is a strong and positive influence. It is a strong influence of change, likely of some local circumstance. Local here means not just close to home but also that it is likely to affect you personally.
The change is likely to be significant for you and may be communicated as news indicating not just a variation of position but a radical reordering of some line of action. It may involve you in some short-term and local travel.
The overall Flow through the Casting indicates that changes are likely to be to your thoughts and plans rather than changes to physical location however.
There is also an indication that you will be involved in clearing out something, perhaps a much-needed decluttering and throwing away—or out.

Take control of your Destiny
The Active Transform this week is Puella (1234) in the 7th house (Pisces). Puella was in the 7th house last week, but its influence has now altered.
This change will likely cast you into partnership with others, mainly through their thoughts and ideas and likely with more than one person. This new input from others can be very useful to you.
Imaginative ideas are sparked in a very creative way for the future. (Maintain good working relations with these people!) Not all of the ideas would pan out (only because others don’t understand your situation as clearly as you do), but you can sort through them later. For the moment just pick up as many ideas as you can as though grasping the water from a waterfall. (Take a bucket!) Both hand and bucket will fill fast. That is, there will be lots of ideas falling into your mind from your interactions.
The Pars Luna this week is in the 5th house (Capricorn). This advises against treating sources of help and inspiration as social encounters. That would make them too stilted rather than free-flowing. By keeping things informal and imaginative you will be able to prevent ideas and projects getting bogged down with practicality at these early stages.
Sharing is loving — please spread the word of geomancy by sharing this casting with your friends and followers.
Thank you.
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