Albus in the 12th house (Leo) provides you with a deep and meaningful connection to your deep wisdom. It shows that you are able to access your deep learning and certainties. It provides a feeling of comfort and security in the sense of your own experience. In simple terms, you know who and what you are.
You will be able to call on that deep sense of confidence as the week progresses. The square aspect suggests that an outside influence later in the week could provide a challenge allowing you to truly benefit from that deep learning that you have.
Rubeus in the 9th house (Taurus) can seem like a very stubborn stone in the river later in the week. It could represent someone deeply attached to their own opinions. It might actually seem that they take stubbornness to the point of an obsession. (Just for your information, they do this because, almost invariably, they have a deep need for material security. They want to acquire and keep as much as they can for themselves.)
That stubbornness may actually manifest in wanting change, so long it is a change that they want. It may be presented as a change necessary for ‘the rules and regulations’ but somehow they seem to benefit from it for themselves. You might see this as a childish exercise of power, but it is no less real for being childish.
Is the result inevitable?

Take control of your Destiny
The Active Transform this week is Conjunctio (3) in the 6th house (Aquarius). This shows that the best way to navigate this will be an appeal to higher authority, either externally (a higher boss or referee) or internally (by taking a higher, longer-term view of matters). There are other ways.
Instead of going head-to-head with opposition you will find a way to come to terms with circumstances by looking at the interests of all concerned. Consider the much wider circle of all who are affected. In other words, what is the bigger picture? Look to win the war rather than the battle.
Take comfort from the knowledge that internal inflexibility will ultimately corrupt and destroy itself.
The Pars Mercurii this week is in the 10th house (Gemini). It reinforces this message and advises against getting sucked into petty details and political games. If you are offered a compromise it may be worth taking it just to cut the losses and end the matter. If circumstances are being forced then the ‘other’ will ultimately lose in the long-term.
In a stream rocks eventually dissolve and crumble while the water flows ever clear around them. The water slides by and moves on, comfortable in its own essence.
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