Thinking Until It Makes You Dizzy

Astrogem, Geomancy, Geomantic, Divination, December, 2013, January, 2014, Horoscope, Astrogem Geomancy

Astrogem Casting for week commencing 23rd December 2013

This week seems to be dominated by your thoughts.  It seems that having the sextile between the geomes is about the only thing keeping you on the level in order to make the changes you need to make at the moment!

You can’t say that you haven’t been warned and it’s not as if the circumstances around you at the moment haven’t been seen a mile off.  The casting suggests that you are resisting doing what you know you need to do at the moment.  Let’s take this step by step and see if we can’t clear things up a little.

Albus in the third house (Aquarius) is always going to be about thoughts and the local changes in your immediate environment.  This is such a mobile situation that I suspect you will be feeling the effects both from outside and inside:  People and circumstances will be demanding your attention and requiring your intervention in the external world.  There are also likely to be internal pressures affecting you which are likely to manifest as things you want to see change but which don’t seem to be changing any time soon, even though you are ‘doing your best’.

The influence of Albus shifts to the first house later in the week in a continuing Flow.  This means that you are likely to devote even more time to trying to figure out why the world just isn’t seeming to work out the way you want it to.

One of the interesting things about this combination is that your line of reasoning is just fine:  your plans are great and you have taken everything into consideration which you need to consider!  So why are things still not working?

Staring you in the face

The answer is  simple.  As the problem is all around you.  It is a ‘can’t see the wood for the trees’ problem.  Let’s break it down further:

Albus with it’s links to the wisdom of Mercury – the accumulated experience and distilled wisdom of practice – is sitting in its natural home of the third house.  It’s in an Air sign (Aquarius) letting you be brilliant, if somewhat detached from the world of results.  All of this points to your thoughts:  lines of thought, ideas, concepts, theories and plans.

Albus then moves to the first house (Sagittarius) shooting firing his fiery arrows of higher thought hither and yon and chasing after them to see if they have hit anything.  He’s doing this from the first house – trying to get a reaction from the world: ‘Hey, notice me!  I’m really clever and interesting!’

All great fun and mentally engaging . . . but none of it productive in any way!

Look at Albus.  Two taps everywhere but in the third Level.  The only way there is going to be any movement is if there is a collapse in Levels 1, 2 or 4 or an expansion occurs in Level 3.  In other words, there needs to be a shift in emphasis from thinking to doing.

Take control of your Destiny

Adding identical geomes always gives us some transform of Populus.  In this case we get Populus (3) in the eleventh house (Libra):

Astrogem, Geomancy, Geomantic, Divination, December, 2013, January, 2014, Horoscope, Astrogem Geomancy

Active Transform Populus (3)

This shows that the Flow will preferentially lend itself to solutions involving an expansion of the internal physical, Level 3.

You can think all you want but all that will happen is that you will learn more and more about less and less, until you end up knowing everything about nothing!

The time for thinking is nearing an end.  It’s time to start doing.  And not just any old doing.  There are new taps at Level 3.  Doing more of what doesn’t work won’t help!

The answer you need to move forward now is actually very simple.

Simple, but not easy.

Do something different.  It’s time.

: : : :

We had a fantastic Yule party last night!  Thank you to all those who wrote with good wishes (and requests for recipes – see the post below).

I needed to say a little more in the post about why I split the Yule log in half, too. Well, it’s another one of those ancient traditions we invented a few days ago.  What I got everyone to do was to write a wish on a piece of paper and to fold it up.  They then placed that paper on one half of the inside of the log and the other half of the log was then placed on top.  The two halves were then tied together with thick twine.

On the count of ‘three’ the log and its wishes were thrown onto the fire to be burned and released to the winds of circumstance.  I thought this would be a nice way of back-inventing the tradition of writing a note to Father Christmas which was sent up the chimney.  I’ll tell you when the wishes start coming true.


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