Laetitia in the tenth house (Virgo) is showing that thoughts of how you are seen and how you want to be seen are likely to be playing on your mind at the moment.
Not too surprising with the start of the New Year and everything, but there is something both beautiful and yet unsettling about this. Laetitia in Virgo is always going to be unspeakably beautiful – romantic perfection, wispy, slightly suggestive and always deep – it is nonetheless critical and seeking that which it is not. It is unsettling to feel and want and answer but not know where or how to find it.
The more you press for Virgo’s practicality, the more Laetitia’s answer (in association with Neptune) seems to slip through your fingers.
The single tap at the top of Laetitia shows that you may be looking outwards (Level 1 and tenth house), seeking to find inspiration and possibly validation from others. While your interactions with others may be pleasant and possibly even deep they are not giving you the real ‘soul-food’ that you crave to satisfy you emotional hunger.
We see that Albus has again been cast in the first house (Sagittarius). This does not give us a repeat of last week’s interpretation but rather a ‘restatement’ as the Flow shifts into a different pattern. It suggests that you still want to get your ideas noticed and that you still don’t feel that they are hitting the mark – and you can blame the square aspect for that.
The Flow from Laetitia to Albus indicates that later in the week your thoughts are likely to turn from trying to find outside answers to your problems to considering what you might be doing right or wrong personally.
What you find is not what you were looking for
The single tap at Level 1 of Laetitia shifts to Level 3 of Albus and this suggests that you will actively seek some answers to your problems and that you are likely to find some. . . but are they the answers you really need?
Here we find a dilemma. Any logical solution presented to you may be physically unworkable! It’s a bit like someone telling you how to fix a broken car but with you would have to use the one tool you don’t have in your tool-kit (or a broken heart with the one thing you can never have)! That’s bound to be stress-inducing!
So what have we got: The outer circumstances are not working but anything logical and sensible inwardly is unavailable – where do we go from here?
Take control of your Destiny
Let’s look at the Flow again. . . We see a Continuation from Laetitia to Albus with a shift from external mental to internal physical (Levels 1 to Level 3), but with no real movement. What we need to do is to see where the Flow goes with the Active Transform. This shows a Contraction, a definite change in the Flow in the creation of Amissio (1) in the fourth house (Pisces):
The situation now has a chance to resolve itself. How? Because all of it can be looked at in a new way – and that gives us the key. . .
The Neptunian imagination is still (ahem) floating around (thanks to Pisces) and the solution is related to what we do in the core of our security in ourselves (fourth house). But look at the Levels!
Level 3 stays as one tap indicating that you probably won’t feel you have everything you need to keep up and to do the job. But that single new tap at Level 1 says that you don’t need to have everything just yet. Inspiration and intuition need to strike first.
Let the Piscean imagination take your feelings in other, new directions. See the problems in a new way.
Let’s put this simply: You have been using the right key but the wrong way round.
Same problem. Same key. Just do something ‘slightly opposite’.
(If you have to ask what ‘slightly opposite’ means then you are not ready for the answer yet.)
On reflection you’ll find that you did know what you need to know, but you needed to know something else about yourself closer to home first.
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