Via in the seventh house (Gemini) brings the opportunity to work with others in a new way this week. The indications are that this will indeed be something new. Perhaps this will be a new relationship, perhaps a new team, there may be a new way to communicate. With Gemini you can be sure that thoughts, words, communication and education in its broadest sense are going to be important this week. This placement actually gives a very youthful feel to the Casting.
Via is associated with new beginnings. Here, the new beginnings have a particular quality. Because you are likely to find a clean slate then all sorts of possibilities and opportunities are likely to suggest themselves. And this feeling of being able to break free of restrictions and boundaries is likely to intensify as the week goes on.
Tristitia in the fifth house (Aries) indicates that the sociable atmosphere surrounding you, combined with the sextile aspect between the geomes, will encourage quite a relaxed and social atmosphere.
In fact, with all these new opportunities there is a strong likelihood that some people are going to get a little carried away.
The problem with getting carried away is purely and simply the speed. If you are travelling too fast you are likely to miss the deeper, more rewarding and richer experience.
With Via cast first you will find that your first impressions are true, but they are not likely to be the whole situation. And they are not all that you could have. First impressions are not the only possibilities.
Taking a second glance, a second look, having second thoughts, just s-l-o-w-i-n-g down — for a second — is likely to be very beneficial for you. You are much more likely to see what has been overlooked and to realise the full implications of what is being suggested. When you feel, rather than simply see, you can begin to appreciate what has yet to mature.
Take control of your Destiny
The Active Transform this week is Cauda Draconis (1234) in the third house (Aquarius). The AT needs to be seen clearly in the light of the Flow from the parent geomes. So, whilst the AT on its own indicates the need for a great deal of learning (and the need to produce results) there will be two ways that this can happen.
If you follow the path of the headlong rush, the social whirl and the desire to get on with things straight away then the AT shows that there will be a good deal of mopping up to do afterwards: lots of untidy little ends and maybe a few regrets over being so hasty. The opportunity for a second look would then simply become learning from 20:20 hindsight!
But if you have paced yourself then you will have been able to see that whilst your first impressions were correct almost all of them gave you more information on reflection by not being so hasty.

You are likely to find that by taking a slightly more detached view you can be more subtle. The pars Luna shows that by having a cooler head you will see the benefits of the more mature, deeper, slower and less frenzied pace. New information and intuitive leaps will help you flesh out the whole picture.
Going at full speed may seem appealing. But there is more of value in savouring rather than gulping.
Enjoy the walk and keep your second wind for when you need it next.
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