Sometimes it feels like you’re running on your reserve tank. Puer in the ninth house (Leo) suggests that this is one of those times.
Perhaps it’s the run-up to the holiday break. Maybe it’s ‘everything else’ that is going on in the world at the moment. It could be just ‘having to finish things off’ at work. But whatever the cause it can feel like you have been doing a lot for a long time.
Emotionally you have the desire to break out be free. But in truth, it’s more likely you just want to shift some of the weight off your shoulders and take a break.
Part of the reason is that, because we are all in Flow, other people are feeling just like you are. And, like you, they would like to do things in more of their own way and time.
You still feel very warm and generous-hearted inside or your efforts don’t seem to be that appreciated.
It’s your generous heart which is keeping you going at the moment. Your aim is to be generous and inclusive when you believe people need help. But this is ironic as it is you who could most do with the help!
Amissio in the sixth house (Taurus) in square aspect shows that you are feeling a bit like ‘too little butter spread on too much bread’. You can’t be everywhere at once and you can’t do everything, no matter how worthy the cause or insistent the call.
Given that the pars Martii is in the 10th house (Virgo) I think I know your plan: To work ‘smarter, not harder’; to try and be as efficient as possible; to just get things out of the door before the deadline; to keep your head down and to keep your shoulder to the wheel. Will all this effort (and overused clichés) ever end?
Yes, on all counts, things can and will get better…
Take control of your Destiny
The Active Transform this week is Caput Draconis (124) in the third house (Aquarius). This is inspirational! It lets you know that how you are feeling is not necessarily what is or what has to be.
What indicates too is that inspiration is likely to come in an unexpected way.
Your thoughts will become increasingly distilled, even if your efforts seem quickly used and forgotten.

There will be a change that you can feel. Once you begin to feel it you can think more about it. This helps keep open your channel for the new and invigorating. There is a chink of light on the horizon!
Once you find it you can start tentatively moving in that direction even if it’s in a new direction for you.
There were three Rogues this week: Laetitia, Populus and Caput Draconis.
You should seek to inspire others.
Just one thought,
At the right place
And at the right moment
Can change a life
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Yule (the winter solstice) happens at 1044 UT 21st December this year. It’s the deepest part of winter and the start of the new Solar year. Do yourself a favour and find those misery-guts’ who from the end of October onwards start moaning that ‘it’s getting dark early’ and that they have to ‘get up in the dark’ and point out to them that from now on it’s getting lighter in the evenings!
(If they insist on being frowny on such a wonderful occasion then I suggest you give them their wish: wait until Boxing Day, and then point out that there are just 312 shopping days until Xmas 2017!)
If you’re interested in the darker side of Xmas then you might like to know about Krampus (the evil side to St. Nicolas). There’s an awful song about him HERE *caution: it’s hideously catchy* and you can see part of an Austrian procession featuring him HERE.
Happy Yule for Wednesday to all my readers! I wish you all the best for Yule and the New Year!
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