

Today is Beltane, midway between the Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice. That makes it the first day of summer! If you’re following the Earth’s seasons or a keen gardener (or both) then in the northern hemisphere this is the time to repot or plant out the plants you have […]

Ready For The Off

Populus in the 1st house (Aries) is again making its presence felt. Now, however, it seems to be indicating movement. What ideas and plans you have can now be acted upon. If you have not yet finalised your intentions there is a small window of opportunity to do so, so […]

All Systems Ready

The Casting this week is very interesting. Flow seems to be in Continuing mode (see Astrogem textbook, p96 or the free Astrogem course lesson 3, p4) with not only identical geomes but, given what they are, an identical Active Transform. Houses six and seven are still in play and the […]

In Control

Populus in the 7th house (Libra) indicates that a decision is coming to a head, if it has not already done so. Choices are becoming narrowed down and a course of action is being set. Matters are finalising and the course is being fixed. When it comes to the process […]

Press On

The interpretation of the Casting this week is very clear. It is often the nature of Opposition aspects that they cut through unnecessary chatter and focus on what needs to be done. Aquisitio in the 8th house (Libra) indicates that there is something that needs to be worked on and […]