Today is Beltane, midway between the Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice. That makes it the first day of summer!
If you’re following the Earth’s seasons or a keen gardener (or both) then in the northern hemisphere this is the time to repot or plant out the plants you have been nurturing so far.
Via in the 4th house (Cancer) traditionally relates to new opportunities on the home front. Given the rest of the Casting it would seem more prudent however to suggest not so much opportunities as new possibilities. The point here is to indicate that possibilities suggests fewer new avenues but that they are more realistic and achievable than a mixed bag of random opportunities.
Flow here is inviting you to examine what you have in relation to where you want to go. What exactly do you want now and what have you got to help you get there?
Two of the key things you will want to assess are what finances and what emotions will be involved in any new venture.
Carcer in the 6th house (Virgo) suggests that you may be pressed into service and called to do your duty in realising your plans. Put simply it asks you to assume the responsibility and authority for what you need to get done.
In examining the details of your plans you will need to be meticulous over detail. This means taking the time necessary and not being rushed into making decisions. They can’t have it both ways: if you are tasked with moving the project onwards they will have to wait until you are satisfied with the plan in all its detail.
Carcer’s associated planet is Saturn. Saturn is the great teacher, slowing things down so that lessons can be learned through diligent effort. Flow is on your side here and you will be able to command and control the process of moving forward.
The Pars Luna is in the 11th house (Aquarius) again this week. This time it takes on a different meaning (partly as it derives from Via rather than Populus as it did last week). Here it suggests vigilance with regard to people trying to curry favour with you and trying to get into your good books. Just because something moves you forward it doesn’t mean that it is the right method to use. Others may have their own agenda which might not be easy to spot. Given, however, the very positive sextile aspect in the Casting even different agendas can come together in a common cause.
Take control of your Destiny
The Active Transform this week is Conjunctio (1234) in the 8th house (Scorpio). This is the natural result of Flow from the geomes and indicates that investigation is the overall name of the game this week.
Explore deep new ideas and contacts. Make the changes you want to see by sharing big and wide thoughts.
This is a favourable time to lay down long-term plans and resources to make new ‘arrangements’. But you will need to investigate in order to get to the real heart of matters.
This is an opportune time to consider your strategies for the future and a good time to get to the core of matters—and the truth.
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Thank you.
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