Puella in the 7th house (Pisces) shows that the start of the week has easy and productive relations with others involved in your ventures. There seems an interplay here: Is the environment simply conducive to your plans with you providing the ideas, or is it that your mind is receptive to the ideas around you? Either way it is a good set of working conditions.
You are likely to find that your ideas get accepted, partly as they are imaginative but mainly because of the rapport you are able to generate to get others on your side. It is the combination of both those factors which make it a winning combination.
And certainly this week you will find that keeping that goodwill will be useful in helping to keep momentum.
Albus in the 2nd house (Libra) shows that matters will start moving for you this week and with several key decisions to make and directions to justify and resolve.
The key action for the way forward here will be for you to apportion the work, emotions and efforts involved to where experience has shown is best. In practice this means that if you are working with others you will need to pick the right person for the job. If it is just down to you to make things happen however, it means giving yourself the best chance of success. That means making decisions when you are in the right frame of mind and when you are best placed to make them. Ensure that money and resources are placed where they can do most good for you. It will help you achieve your goals if you keep on top of (i.e. manage) the allocation of resources and efforts.
You will find that it helps in this to ensure that your plans and intentions are clearly weighed and are communicated well. That way you can get more support through transparency. It is also important to do this so that any questions and clarification can be handled as soon as needed in a timely way.
The Pars Venusii is in the 8th house (Aries) and reinforces this point. Keep to your central theme and ideas. Any seeming ‘fatal flaws’ which arise or are discovered are likely to evaporate when looked at with calmness and a clear mind.

Take control of your Destiny
The Active Transform this week is Carcer (124) in the 9th house (Taurus). You may find that it is not easy to get quick results from your actions this week, even though you are on the right track.
If you have squared away each area of your plans carefully and systematically then the rewards will be tangible, worthwhile and long-lasting.
Not only that but they will be a solid bridge into new areas. You will be able to capitalise on the results in the future so it is well worth making sure that all the foundations are solid, if slow, now.
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