It should be fairly obvious by now that some of your thinking is crawling along. Actually it is more like a geomantic whirlpool!
Carcer in the first house gives added weight to your outlook certainly and you have been considering deep and meaningful events and people recently. And while these will always be significant to you there is a tendency to get so bogged down in detail that you end up feeling suffocated with the intensity of feeling.
Carcer in Scorpio gives your thoughts and actions a profound feeling. And yes, you have probably been learning a lot. Yes too, there is always some new detail and twist to learn – that’s life. Unfortunately you can only do so much self-reflection before it turns into a ceaseless spiral or whirlpool of navel-gazing which doesn’t accomplish anything. It’s the law of diminishing returns. We get trapped into thinking that more work and detail is better, just because it’s ‘more’. This isn’t the case and it’s time to break out of these ever decreasing circles.
As Carcer is in the first house and in such a no-nonsense sign as Scorpio you can probably see faults in yourself and are getting frustrated when you know you are getting in your own way. Fortunately, Caput Draconis in the second house (Sagittarius) is about to shake things up. There is a change of wind direction in the offing and it will be up to you to grab the new opportunities it presents.
The Head of the Dragon
This is necessary because there is only so much progress you can make using only one style or approach. It is time for you to own a new approach, a new thought, specifically to reconsider how you identify yourself.
Think again about the components of the problems and stresses around you at the moment. If you think about what you are attempting to achieve from scratch you are likely to find that new ways to get it are opening up to you. Sagittarius is always firing speculative arrows into the air – so take the opportunity to consider a new way (or set of ways) of dealing with any obstacles and just see how it can break the cycle of the repetitive and grinding lessons so far.
Breaking the circle of grind
You will be able to break the existing pattern of monotonous grind if you actively open your mind to new and higher ideas. You can find a new way to look at existing problems now that you have a clearer idea of your exact needs based on the trial and error approach you’ve been using. This week sees one of Sagittarius’s arrow flying over you from the Centaur’s bow. All you need to do is to touch it as it goes by.
Consider these new ideas. They don’t have to be a complete fit for you, they just have to spark ideas of your own. In fact it is likely that some of the possibilities which occur to you will turn out to be unworkable once you’ve thought about them for a while. But the fact that you are looking for a new approach, to add a new ingredient into the mix as it were, will be enough to start to shake things up in your mind.
Take control of your Destiny
Adding the geomes gives us the Active Transform Cauda Draconis (14):
This spells out in great detail the approach which is now opening: Stop working so hard with these hard internally physical lessons (Levels 2 and 3 of Carcer) and take the new ideas from Caput Draconis’s two taps at Level 1 to find new ways to apply and deal with how you are communicating with your local environment (two new taps at Level 4 of Cauda Draconis). It is this new thinking which will allow you to finish off what has been dragging for a long time – the masterstroke which kills of the problem finally.
The single new tap at Level 1 of Cauda Draconis is intriguing. It says that not only can you open yourself out to new ways of thinking about your interactions, but that if you listen and feel carefully you will see that this process can create other new tools for you.
Tools which make other tools are always valued by the craftsman.
Therein lies versatility and the ability to create bigger and better ways to reach others in the future.
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