
Tristitia + Conjunctio → Caput Draconis (4)
Astrogem Casting for week commencing 15th August 2021

Tristitia in the 4th house (Scorpio) shows that you need to prepare for the unexpected at home this week. This needs some clarification, however. To do so we need to look at the Pars.

The Pars Uranii is in the 5th house (Sagittarius). This shows that there is a ‘chance’ or ‘gamble’ which is likely to be presented or available to you this week. Perhaps it is someone else in your social circle who is going to take a chance that will affect you. You need to be aware of any freakish, out-of-the-blue opportunities for, or with, others.

This is the caveat for the first geome which also suggests ‘the unexpected’. This first geome’s ‘good unexpected’ will differ from the Pars ‘unhelpful unexpected’ is that it will follow on from what you already know and trust.

Change at home can be unexpected simply because it is home. Being sure and certain of our base is part of what lets us know we are at home after all. Now, however, possibilities and opportunities open up in familiar environments. You are likely to feel more depth and awareness in what is already familiar to you.

Good new opportunities will seem more of a happy extension of what you are doing and will seem like ‘good luck in the current situation’ rather than ‘once in a lifetime, not-to-be-missed’, get rich quick schemes.

Meeting the right people would be good, for example.

Things presented to you completely by chance… be cautious.

Two kinds of unexpected may occur, therefore. Ensure you pick the right kind!

Conjunctio in the 12th house (Cancer) shows that you are likely to experience some inner shifts, too. You may share—or at least experience—new thoughts and feelings with others. None of this will be uncomfortable. It is much more likely to be a natural progression of the depth needed for growth and progress.

Do not be afraid to talk about things which are dear to you. You are likely to find that others share similar sentiments. You may find unexpected (and good) channels opening for you in this way.

Depth,, (CC0)

Take control of your Destiny


The Active Transform this week is Caput Draconis (4) in the 8th house (Pisces). This is a very interesting and deep placement. It indicates an almost mystical possibility of you increasing awareness and intuition. This will relate particularly to matters which are already important to you.

You will be able to combine these insights with a solid practical awareness.

This, in turn, can give you a foundation of how to begin to grow the new possibilities which are offered and which begin to open up to you.


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Thank you.


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