Productive Change

Aquisitio + Laetitia → Puer (24)
Astrogem Casting for week commencing 16th July 2023


Scurry, flurry and getting on with things—that seem to be one of the themes in this week’s Casting. There is a degree of ‘productive tension’ in the air, too. Maybe there is a close deadline, perhaps some emotional pressure. Whatever the cause it is a good influence overall. It encourages obstacles to be overcome. It helps to create new ways to do things. And in doing so it engages the emotions in positive ways. What initially seems uncomfortable, difficult or even impossible seems to become doable!

Acquisitio in the 5th house (Scorpio) is conjunct with the Pars Jovii and sets the scene in Flow this week. It points to the need and the desire for change while also recognising the potential difficulties in making that change.

Finding a way through difficulties this week is not so much a balancing act as a negotiation: give some of this to get some of that. It also helps you to decide what is really necessary and worth working for. If you can’t have everything you’ll need to get clear on what is essential and what is just a nice-to-have.

Laetitia in the 1st house (Cancer) represents the need, desire and (most usefully) the ability to remain emotionally mature in your outlook. It shows that you have the ability to be bigger—to be ‘grown up’—in pursuit of what really matters.

Sometimes this means allowing yourself to be vulnerable. At other times it provides a big, enveloping emotional support that enables you to look after and care for others. Fortunately, it gives you the wisdom to know when and how to look after yourself, too.


Productive Change, Kanenori, Pixabay, (CC0)


Take control of your Destiny


The Active Transform this week is Puer (24) in the 9th house (Pisces). This indicates that there is a wonderful opportunity here to actively pursue your own growth in new and imaginative areas. This comes by way of both your own mental efforts and an almost uncanny ability to connect dreams and people. Learning can come from journeys within.




There was one Rogue this week: Conjunctio in the 10th house (Aries): Don’t pull too tightly on the reins of a wild horse or you will lose the animal energy plunging you forward. Don’t be too slack, either, or you won’t be able to guide it. Getting the balance of passionate energy just right will give you control.


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Thank you.


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