This week the normally ‘difficult’ aspect of a square provides some much needed context to show how to progress your dreams.
Fortuna Major in the first house (Aries) shows that you can capitalise on this creative time, but that you’ll need to go about it in the right way. Many of your ideas will still be in the early stages and you are keen to get on with things. It seems you are keen to take action to make your dreams become reality.
The Pars Solis in the 10th house (Capricorn) shows that you are not afraid of the hard work necessary to realise your ambitions. It also shows that you feel as though you’re straining at the bit to get on with things. Combined with the influence of Aries this is likely to prove a driving you which feels quite impatient. But energy is one thing. The wisdom to achieve your goals is another. What do you value more, the effort or the result?
It’s easy to see that if you just leap from the first geome to the Active Transform, bypassing the second geome, you are likely to end up feeling even more frustrated than you do at the moment. There’s a lesson to be learned and incorporated from Flow…
Populus in the fourth house (Cancer), its natural home, shows an overriding need to visit your emotional core. Just doing the ‘head thing’ isn’t going to cut it at the moment. That would be to empty. You would produce good ideas but no one would really buy into them.
Populus clearly states here that you need both the right mind and the right heart. Without both you will not get the blending of both necessary to engage with others.
Take control of your Destiny
The Active Transform this week is Fortuna Major (34) in the seventh house (Libra). This indicates that your thoughts and dreams are either targeted on, or will need the cooperation of, others. And the only way to do this is by having that emotional foundation of the blend of heart and head.
If necessary, you need to start right at the beginning and make sure that feeling leads the way.

You can get this blend best by going to your core. It is only by making time to allow your heart to speak that your thoughts and actions become truly genuine and engaging. It is only with the emotional context that your thoughts and actions become strong enough. Your thoughts and actions must have feeling if they are going to succeed.
While your thoughts and actions are about moving you forward they need to balanced that with the emotional needs and inputs of others. The thoughts need to genuinely incorporate your feelings for others to respond positively.
In its simplest form you will find it helps to make this less about you and much more about them.
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